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DWI for Drugs

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by ryoung57, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Do it for the children!
  2. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Can you read?

  3. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Do YOU understand sarcasm?
  4. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Hard to tell it was sarcasm given your current position on use of force. But the gap on that one was wide enough I guess. :D
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Y'all really do need to pick a sarcasm font and run with it. The software does allow a font change easily...
    Spang308 likes this.
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Courier monospaced seems like a good choice. Can we institute a rating system for posts that would change the font on posts deemed stupid to Wingdings? :D
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Too much work.
  8. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    I demand a sarcasm pirate emoji be included on the bbs. :mad:
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  10. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Trebuchet italic Distinctive and Trebuchets have a good history on the beeb.
  11. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Does that mean we invite shit roller back to become shit flinger? :D
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Is it any different than most italics?
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Not that I can tell, but I like the name.
    Yzasserina likes this.
  14. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    I like this because it’s a well written “I drive better when I’m drunk”
    SGVRider likes this.
  15. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    This all day. Echo that for DMV
  16. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    I may have misread, but weren’t all charges dropped for lack of evidence? Cops can say they think you’re drunk and haul you to jail too if they feel like it. It won’t stick but they’ll fuck you over for a while.

    I agree about the cost vs ruining people’s lives. But why is this any different than the same shit that happens with other charges in our legal system? Many innocent people have been cleared of murder charges while sitting on death row. Other people get harassed by the state until they go broke or shoot themselves.

    This article is emotional manipulation BS just like the arguments for or against most laws and policy. There’s no real data there, just anecdotes meant to sway people against the policy. It’s effective, but still just propaganda.

    The article doesn’t discuss the officer’s training in detail or make metric based comparisons to conventional alcohol DUI enforcement. That’s because it’s pure propaganda not an objective analysis of policy.

    I used the “for the children” argument because it’s the logical counterpoint to “how would you feel if it happened to you.” Pretty sure I’d be extremely pissed if I were falsely accused of murder too, doesn’t mean I think we should stop looking for murderers.

    I agree that licenses should be much harder to get and shitty drivers should be punished more harshly. Chances of that are slim. This will all be a moot point in a few decades anyway as human driven cars will become a small fraction of total traffic.
  17. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    Whether you believe you drive better high is irrelevant. It might even be true. The standard is you can’t legally drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Not “I can’t drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol unless I think I drive better unlike those other assholes because I’m special.” If you ever get a DUI for weed I hope that’s not the argument you use with the judge because that’ll just get you the max.
  18. 10MM

    10MM Action Reaction

    Weird thing happened in a Texas court yesterday. The defense attorney asked a law officer on the stand if it was illegal to smoke marijuana and operate a motor vehicle. The answer was no, unless it impairs your ability to drive :confused:
  19. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    It's legal to drink and drive to a point, as long as it doesn't impair judgement, so I kind of see the point.

    I've apprehended people people at .05 for DUI because they could barely walk or talk. I've given rides to guys who have been .08 and walked and talked like they haven't had a drop. I get there needs to be a baseline number to determine intoxication, it doesn't mean that it's right or should be enforced 100% of the time.
    10MM likes this.
  20. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    I must be getting old because I'm over ftp, I have a huge amount of respect for all law enforcement, emt, fire fighters, all military, coast guard, national guard, ect. Even TSA fuckers. They bust their ass and put them selves in situations to try and help us and make the US a great place to live. All I can say is there is always the loose screw, asshole, lazy bad employee that every business in the world deals with. This guy needs to get laid, get a life and maybe/ might/ possibly wrap his brain around that waking up every morning when your goal in life is to send the most amount of people to jail everyday is a pretty sad existence. Numbers don't lie, 4.4 % of the worlds population, 22 % are in prison, now for profit.

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