The unofficial official "SMMFH" thread

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by pickled egg, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

  2. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I soooooo want this to be real...

    BHP41 likes this.
  3. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    I'd have to imagine there's a big lawsuit incoming if that's a real....unless of course Macho Ma'am sold the rights to Gamestop :D
  4. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

  5. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  6. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  7. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

  8. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

  9. ahrma_581

    ahrma_581 Well-Known Member

    How can you objectively report on the meth epidemic without, well, you know...
    cpettit likes this.
  10. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

  11. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Everything Trump does is wrong, you just start from there and
    find an angle, no matter how ridiculous.
    The mob eschews reason anyway.
    Orange Man Bad is all they need to remember.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Don't you assholes have jobs?
    MachineR1 likes this.
  13. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Yes. Spouting shit.

    That's an asshole's job.

  14. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  15. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    I love that things are changed depending on what the need out them.

    Offended that a cake wont be made because of sexual stuff...people go out od business and everyone is now walking on egg shells.

    Antivax is ok because they have the right to bring disease to you without punishment when they distrupt the quality of life of others.
  16. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  17. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  18. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I would really like to read that article. I saw a blurb about it a couple days ago on my phone.

    Shame it's on NYTimes. I WILL NOT click on their site.

    The Gray Lady is no longer even fit for fishwrap.
  19. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Take you pick...

    auminer likes this.
  20. Pittenger5

    Pittenger5 Well-Known Member

    XFBO likes this.

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