The Green New Deal = Kmer Rouge

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by blkduc, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    The black fella is a rapper named Ja-Rule. Was pretty successful.

    This leach got The rapper involved for hype and clearly it worked. They had a lot of people involved.

    Supposedly ja rule wasn’t involved in the scam and he wasn’t arrested or charged.
  2. pawpawrc

    pawpawrc Well-Known Member

    Yeah but listening to him on the conference call at the end- dude was definitely involved. That was a great doc.
    Fonda Dix and Robby-Bobby like this.
  3. G 97

    G 97 Garth

  4. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    I've always liked Thomas the train, but I don't think I'm ready for Barack Obama on the hundred dollar bill.
    G 97 likes this.
  5. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    Off topic but 50 Cent was on a late night talk show talking about fucking with Ja Rule and it was awesome. He bought the first four rows of seats to his show and left them empty.
    pawpawrc likes this.
  6. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    There are probably some exceptions, but for the vast majority of the population, I cannot fathom how anyone would anticipate different results. Money for nothin and chicks for free
  8. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    I have been an advocate of eliminating unemployment benefits for anything past a few weeks. I personally know lazy shitbags that purposely didn't even look for jobs because they were collecting a check. Take it away and their choice is go hungry or find work, they'll find work.
    It's blue collar welfare and I hate hand outs to anyone who is able bodied.
    kangasj likes this.
  9. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Most people aren't that difficult to figure out.
  10. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    The difficult part is determining who is able bodied and who isn't. Disabilities come in many forms and there are plenty of dishonest doctors to go around as well.
  11. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    "Chicks", one of the 49 genders?
  12. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    If you lower the unemployment insurance premiums I would be fine with that. Please note, unemployment is generally outside of the normal tax channels.
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Well that song dates back to the bad old days when gender was not as fluid, but theys for free just doesn't sound right.
    TurboBlew and blkduc like this.
  14. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    UI programs are over-funded so they should be able to reduce the payments.
  15. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    I couldn’t tell if that was Obama or AOC. :crackup:
  16. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Makes you wonder why, if they really believed the Climate Changes BS, they are still issuing building permits in low lying areas of the coast... taxes over safety ?
    TurboBlew likes this.
  17. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Because they know it's bullshit. It's a cash grab. Plain and simple. The government is seemingly completely out of control in their desire to take all your money. At least on that side of the aisle. The word "tax" is taboo, so they invent fake catastrophes and shame you into believing you're a bad person if you doubt their "expertise."
    The simple version: They are lying thieves.
    At least Trump is aware it's bullshit and is just short of openly declaring so. Notice how he signed a bill dedicating millions of dollars to clean plastic out of the oceans and not a word on the news about it. That is a real environmental problem and he signed on and allocated funds. Throwing cash at climate change is laughable. Throwing our cash at it is disgraceful.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    If they believed it, they wouldn't be giving China a pass.
  19. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    That's just it. China pollutes the atmosphere far more than the U.S. These idiots act as if we bring our carbon emissions to zero, our environment will be "saved." Well, what about every other nation? The atmosphere isn't static. It moves with air currents. Our cow farts eventually become Europe's problems!
    If CO2 emissions were that big of an issue, the greenies would be calling for a complete and total boycott of all goods manufactured in China.
  20. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    I think AOC really is that stupid. Most of the political class is just in on the scam and the kickbacks they can grab through passing stupid laws that do zero for the environment but transfer wealth from citizens to politically connected corporations.
    Carbon Credits should be renamed "fuck you deplorable, we're stealing your cash and there's nothing you can do about it."

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