The VA

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by HPPT, Nov 23, 2018.

  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Just stumbled upon this completely randomly. I thought it was going to be comedy. Damn…

    Yzasserina likes this.
  2. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    The natural order of governments. Sickening.

    Didn't start with bad orange man, but he did put it on the to do list. Will he have time to get the congress interested in fixing it, or will the impeachment process command the next two years?
  3. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Anecdotal evidence, while important, is not and should not be a reason to blanket an entire organization. I've heard many tales on the the other side of the issue. Does that make everything rosey? Perhaps the real story is somewhere in between, a "work in progress". Lewis Black, on the other hand, can go DIAF....what a tool. Just where did he point out that all those travesties occurred under his hero, but 2 years into a difficult fix it's orange cheetos fault.....Give me a break. I hope things work out for the Vet, he obviously has issues and needs help. Hope he understands that rules are rules, they may be screwed up and need to be changed but they are what they are. A request for action seems to be appropriate so I agree with that.
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I was under the impression that Lewis Black was reading the veteran's words, not stating opinions. What did you hear that I missed?
  5. csm800

    csm800 Well-Known Member

    This vets timeline starts in 2006, with GWBush as president, through all of Obama years and now Trump. But Senator McCain, "champion of the vets", who didn't do shit for them, gets a pass?
    It is not a surprise that the VA scandal was in Arizona, McCains state.
    BHP41, TurboBlew and brex like this.
  6. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    He did try to lay at least part of the vet's problems at the feet of the orange guy. LB was making a jab that the pres. only replaced the head of the VA and thought that it would fix everything. That's a big assumption because systemic problems of a huge organization take time. Listen to what the 1st Trump director said! He said that he was working on changing the rules so that UNDERPERFORMERS COULD BE FIRED OR REPRIMANDED. What, they can't fire anyone? Yes, that is correct, not even the damned director. Remember that is specifically one of the things that Trump wanted to change.

    The unfair thing about that is the fact that you cannot blame a 2 year man w/o at least mentioning the failure of the dip shit that had 8 years to work on these problems. Nope, can't mention mister perfect in anything that he didn't do. It was probably Bush's fault anyway. So if LB is going to cast blame in the way that he did, it just shows his bias without any real analysis.
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I must have missed some transitions between his words and the veteran's. I'll have to listen again.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    VA is truly fucked, not sure the man with the tan has control over it tho. Do love me some LB so I'll check out the full thing later.
  9. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    I agree, however, LB decided to use this letter (assuming he is telling the truth) to make his point, on Vet day of course. The fact that it fits LB's typical narrative is just icing on the cake plus he gets to deliver it in his slobbering maniac style.....It was a perfect fit. The story is told to use it as a sharp stick to jab at the President...that seems pretty obvious to me. I have to wonder how LB came across this letter, it seems like a planned event.
  10. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That's a lot of assumptions. I just went with just what's in the video. Ya know, until someone posts further information. :D
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You do realize he's done the exact same to every president right? I think he has more hate for politicians of any ilk than I do - granted he grew up in DC and got to see their shit way more than I did.
  12. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    LB is socialist turd and ACLU mouth piece, and if he diaf it wouldn’t bother me one bit.
    BHP41 likes this.
  13. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    LB used to be kinda funny, but like The Daily is all political now
  14. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    When I was working, you had to work 20 years to be fully vested in the pension plan....yes, we actually had a pension way back then. In any case, the complaint seems to be that 6 years of service doesn't qualify for a 20 year fully "vested" pension....Well, duh.....Now I have some sympathy if he was wounded in the course of his duties. Not sure about the pension but certainly the medical service. And the medical service ought to be first class.
    On another note, I've dealt with medically disabled people on a few occasions. AGAIN, this is only anecdotal, but my experience has been it was a sham. I only bring this up to recognize that shams do go on and I would be surprised if it didn't also happen in the military. I have no special understanding of this issue beyond what was in the video but excuse me if I don't just take it as face value. It makes good theater, though.
  15. Timothy Landon

    Timothy Landon Well-Known Member

    Without the VA, I would be fucked for healthcare. It is a Government Agency. So it does have issues. Some serious ones. But without it many veterans wouldn't have any healthcare. And I don't know this Lewis Black douche. But what little I saw of him on this thread. He fits the Trump basher profile.
  16. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I never did 'get' Lewis Black.

    Inane blabber doesn't suddenly become funny if you deliver it in an out-of-breath raspy shout.
  17. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    So you hated Sam Kinison too, huh?

    Cuz I sure as fuck did.
  18. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    Maybe the Department of Veterans Affairs should transfer to the DoD instead of being a Cabinet-level administration run by civilians. Yeah, I'm suggesting it should be an arm of our military forces. A joint military establishment run by and for the military and its veterans. If they were a uniformed service, I guarantee shit would, first, hit the fan, then second, run with some modicum of efficiency and absolute accountability.
    The old, sick, crippled and dead dogs of war should be cared for by their masters, not some society of animal care shelters.
    Orvis and K51000 like this.
  19. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    He at least injected a small amount of humor, but, yeah, his schtick got old fast.
  20. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Maybe rather than have the government continue to ruin healthcare, the VA should simply pay for a private insurance policy for veterans. Save millions.

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