Trump to send at least 800 troops to southern border ahead of migrant caravan

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Timothy Landon, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    TENTS????? These people and children just braved thousands of miles of jungle like terrain with their children! You can't expect children to live in tents, and have children separated from their parents! Children need to be taken better care of!!



    Fascinating how all these people seem to be so clean & bathed and their clothing is clean despite a couple of weeks living outdoors and ostensibly sleeping on the ground. I know when I go hiking/camping my shit is filthy within a couple of hours.

    The enduring image of this upcoming border clusterfuckery is going to by a dirty, crying child.

    Hide & watch.
    badmoon692008 and K51000 like this.
  2. Timothy Landon

    Timothy Landon Well-Known Member

    If they(Our Government) let this slide. It opens up the flood gates in my opinion. We should provide these invaders absolutely nothing when they reach our border. No shelter, no food, no water, no medical treatment, nothing. Only the business end of M4's. This is a perfect opportunity to show that we intend to defend our borders. I hope Trump takes a hard line on this and acts accordingly.
    badmoon692008 and K51000 like this.
  3. Yzasserina

    Yzasserina sound it out

    I hope that is frustration talking, and understandably so. Otherwise, well...
    galloway840, R1Racer99 and joec like this.
  4. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Where are they headed? Are they on their way to a border station or just some random point in the desert?
  5. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    I thought Army math was always double the troops of your opponents? :D 2 4 1
    G 97 likes this.
  6. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    NATO doctrine was to win with higher quality, more effective weapons and tactics. Soviet Bloc doctrine was to win with overwhelming numbers.

    What’s funny is that we won WWII with numbers, then turned around and adopted German doctrine.
    TurboBlew likes this.
  7. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    They are only on foot when it's time for them to march for the cameras. When it's time to move they hop in their trucks and some, in really nice buses and cruise on like hippies going to a Phish show.
  8. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    Thats what always gets me. The over the top emotional bullshit whenever children are involved. I do not care as I believe I did a passable job of raising the 2 kids that I am responsible for and that is where my responsibility ends. I don't know what is worse. The fact that politicians think we are dumb enough to fall for that shit or that alot of people are truly that dumb...
  9. ahrma_581

    ahrma_581 Well-Known Member

    Think it's been established that is not an either/or.
    badmoon692008 and crashman like this.
  10. turtlecreek

    turtlecreek Well-Known Member

    it wasn't just numbers of men, but production capacity too. we can't out people our enemies now, so you choose the advantage you have....or had. that is why i support having heavy production here (as well as technology).
  11. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Of course there are kids and women there. No one would give them camera time or even care if it was all 18 ~ 23 year old dudes.

    Got to wonder if the kids get paid more than the dudes. They are worth more in press coverage and they should be getting at least $15 an hour.
    joec likes this.
  12. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    :crackup:The guys need to protest the pay inequality! They could team up with porn dudes to bolster their numbers.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  13. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    What Mike Pence says he learned I would say post this evidence online hit all the news stations fight you dam coward ass republicans if this is true don’t talk show us provide the evidence. What I really like is Venezuela is pitching in cash that’s just crazy to me. They are starving and they are going to pay for these people to walk to America what a disgrace. What do you socialist dems feel about that.
    But like I said Pence better show that evidence or shut up.

    What the president of Honduras told me is that the caravan was organized by leftist organizations, political activists within Honduras, and he said it was being funded by outside groups, and even from Venezuela,” Pence told Fox News in an interview late Friday in Yuma, Arizona. “So the American people, I think, see through this – they understand this is not a spontaneous caravan of vulnerable people.”
  14. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Absolutely. I’m so sick of republicans being wimps. Why can’t we get ahead of things for once? If the MSM won’t tell the truth, get out and BUY the airtime to get the message out.
    David-imoddavid and gixxerreese like this.
  15. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    Exactly there’s nothing stopping them from doing that. Hell do a presidential address take up all the airwaves and show the evidence. Talking heads would explode.
  16. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    He should, but he won’t. He could literally get in there and lay out everything from Hillary’s emails, to the DNC railroading Sanders, Benghazi, all the lies about Kavanaugh, and more, but he’s not doing it. Why?
    deepsxepa likes this.
  17. deepsxepa

    deepsxepa Hazardous

    yeah, for me, its not the stuff he says or does that turns me off, its the stuff he doesnt say or do. I havnt not given up on him simply because all of his enemys tells a story and I also know there is alot I dont know that goes on and that could be a factor in why he doesnt say/do things.

    the invasion situation will probably convince me one way or the other if he himself is fake or just incompetent.
  18. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    According to an explanation that Ret. Judge Napolitano gave a couple of days ago we're bound by Federal law to offer an immigrant the chance for asylum if that person can manage to get one toe over the border. To deny them the ability to gain that "toe hold" is to stop them while they're in another country which we cannot do legally. If we deny them that "right" for asylum then we know damn well that it will be challenged and will eventually end up before the SC. It's just more long drawn out legal battles thus allowing these illegals access to US soil from which we'll never find them again. The normal rate for showing up for a hearing two or more years down the road is something like 20% or so. The rest of them live off the rest of us in the long run. Over the preceding decades we've placed ourselves in a legal pickle by passing all the laws protecting everyone's rights without distinguishing exactly whose "rights" we're protecting.
  19. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, could this be a second "Trail of Tears" march? :)
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    When it's an invasion force I don't think the immigration laws apply :D

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