Dogs in Strollers????

Discussion in 'General' started by Captain Morgan, Oct 13, 2018.

  1. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    So I'm back in Florida for a week, I'm parking my truck and see this beautiful brunette in a skin tight white dress pushing a stroller. Instant MILF, so park quick get out walking towards her and see it's a dog in the stroller!
    I start dying laughing because I have never seen it before or thought anyone would push a dog around. So she gives me the evil look of death. The dog is staring at me and I could almost hear his thoughts.

    He's like "WTF, I'm a dog I like to walk and run, its what I do"!! So after that I needed a rum drink at the fancy mall, went into the first place with a bar, I ordered a bacardi and ginger, " I'm sorry we don't have Bacardi" OK "what rums do you have?? "We only have one, it's organic" OK, I'll take that. "We don't have ginger ale" OK, I'll have it with coke "I'm sorry sir we don't have soda here, it has a lot of sugar." What do you think rum is made from???? I'll have a rum and water, with a lime. Do you have limes???

    4 days and counting till I'm out
    sharkattack and Phl218 like this.
  2. zamboiv

    zamboiv Well-Known Member

    Come visit SoCal. It’s everywhere. Nutty people I tell you.
  3. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    You’re an idiot. Pet the puppy, get with the girl. It’s a win/win because she doesn’t have any hellspawn to deal with.
  4. mike-guy

    mike-guy Well-Known Member

    I imagine the being a young little purse thing. I have big plans of building an off road wagon to pull behind my mountain bike for when my 100lb boxer mix gets too old to go for anything longer than around the block.
  5. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    I was way to busy laughing, and I do love crazy girls. But pushing a dog stroller might be a level above of what I'm willing to deal with
  6. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    I'm pretty sure you need a rum drink regardless of the situation...

  7. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    View attachment 146221 View attachment 146221 View attachment 146221 View attachment 146221

    This was my main man when I lived in the Virgin Islands. It was a process to get him there, the last trip he was locked in the cargo hold on a seaplane from Puerto Rico. When they opened the hatch after a rough landing his eyes were so big and not sure of things. 10 minutes later , its like nothing ever happened, just running around with no care in the world. I really love boxers. We fished a lot together trying to catch fish for the restaurant. You would never know who was more excited to catch a fish, he learned really quick what the sound of drag was
    sharky nrk and Phl218 like this.
  8. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    My dogs in their bicycle stroller. They LOVE it.

    cha0s#242, ToofPic, LisaU and 4 others like this.
  9. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Thats cool, just don't do small dogs, never have and never will
  10. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    my dog loves riding in the car. Ive been trying to find a decent side car to strap to my scooter. He would absolutely love that! :D
  11. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    Let me guess: Season's 52 Galleria Mall?
  12. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I see this when I'm riding the rail trails all the time.
  13. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    FWIW when I married my wife, she came with a 5.5 lb chihuahua. I was never a small dog guy and was like WTF? But he's pretty damn cool. Now he's 13, has congestive heart failure and is not allowed to run around or he gets coughing fits that last all night. So yeah, she's got the purse she puts him in.

    We always make fun of the stroller people too. But we DO like to run alot.....
  14. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    I think one day they will diagnose this behavior as an actual mental condition. I have a friend who is like this. Her dogs are far too big for a stroller, but she basically thinks they are her children.
  15. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    He looks just like our gone girl Emily.
    We flew her over here from germany, without her, my wife woulda prolly gone nuts. They are the best
  16. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Yes, you can't drink all day unless you start in the morning, silly!
    Chango likes this.
  17. dave3593

    dave3593 What I know about opera I learned from Bugs Bunny

    Several years ago my wife and I vacationed in Miami Beach. From seeing yachts, expensive cars and stuff there are a lot of of rich people there. I didn't fit in but had a blast people watching. There were these old guys with trophy wives that were a hoot. It just fit in that there were billboards advertising boob jobs. I bet the dog lady was a trophy wife.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  18. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Town center in Boca, even worse, I avoid it like the plague but had to return a birthday present.
  19. LisaU

    LisaU Active Member

    Oh c'mon's not that bad....gotta love Boca (which is were I am now) ... have to admit the first time I saw that I said to the couple with the perfectly healthy dog in the stroller " that's hilarious and cute" , they just kinda glared at me through their forced smile... Lol... but actually it kinda makes sense coz in the summer heat the black top will quickly burn paws and town center doesn't want people with dogs on leashes... so either they carry em or leave em home....
  20. LisaU

    LisaU Active Member

    ....with that being said.... even though I'll defend the use of them and they don't bug me.... I just have to add , I don't own a stroller... mine just stay home in the A/C

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