next step from crf50 for kids

Discussion in 'General' started by svracer22, Sep 16, 2018.

  1. gt#179

    gt#179 Dirt Dork

    The 110 is best. Auto clutch but pretty easy to convert to manual clutch as they get used to the bike. Or get the “L” model if you need it bigger. Lots of hop ups. Then move to a KTM or 65.
    Knotcher likes this.
  2. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    Before I start drooling are those Chinese motors in those bikes?
  3. svracer22

    svracer22 Well-Known Member

    No experience. They try riding my qt50 moped it's just to big, but they can kick start it.

    As for clutch or no clutch, I could go either way. I'm leaning more towards no clutch as it would be one less thing to learn.
    I like the 70-90cc bikes just not sure all the designations from all the manufactures. The 110 4t bikes just look so heavy.
  4. deepsxepa

    deepsxepa Hazardous


    XR80R/CRF share the same frame with the 100 except that it has smaller forks, swingarm, rims. pretty much everything is interchangeable with the XR & CRF 80 and 100.
    joec likes this.
  5. baconologist

    baconologist Well-Known Member

    TTR 90 auto clutch
    It’ll be short lived most likely as the skills progress.
  6. RTD

    RTD Well-Known Member

    90’s 110’s and even older CRF 70’s are all about the same size & weight, they are lower but 30 lbs heavier than a 65. You can't go wrong with any brand 110 if you plan on leaving it completely stock. If there is any possibility of future mods get a Kawasaki, mods are unlimited and affordable. As a bonus they make a fantastic mini road racer.

  7. josh7owens

    josh7owens E-Kart Champ

    We have a KTM 50SX, a KLX110, and a KLX110L. The 8 year old can ride the 50 and 110 but isn’t tall enough for the L version. Depending on height of kid I’d go with a KLX110 or KLX110L.

    Then upgrade to a KX65 once they get the hang of that. They make head kits for the 110 that makes it a 143 and the bike rips. The KX65 is a big jump from a 50 in both height and power.

    Oo you said girls, KLX110 forsure! A KX65 would be a massive handful for most 8-9 year old girls.

    I picked up a 2012 KLX110 for $800 and a 2017 KLX110L for $1000.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, it's the next step between the 50 and the 125. Yamaha has it set up really well to step up in size and learn new skills with each model.

    I'd look for a used one.
  9. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    so, same boat, 8 year old boy rode the razor pocket bike, and not has their Razor "MX350" bike. Sister didn't want to ride, but now she does, so she'll get the Razor bike, but I was thinking maybe get him a gas or better electric bike. Is the KLX110 the move?
  10. beechkingd

    beechkingd Well-Known Member

    My oldest went from an XR50 to a Cobra 50 and adjusted well and was pretty fast. Then he went to a KX65 at 8 or 9 and could never get comfortable on it. Since they have no power valve they are pretty hard to get up to speed on many smaller tracks since the power hit is pretty hard. As soon as he grew out of it and went to a KTM 85sx he was able to verbally explain what the KX couldn't do but wasn't able to tell me. So in other words, I would never ever put an inexperienced kid on a KX65. The KLX 110 looks like a good size (its physically almost the same size as the KX but with a different frame and swingarm) for that age and a 4t won't scare them. Heck, the KX scared me when I rode it.
    BigBird likes this.

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