Trump is a Winning Machine

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by blkduc, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Have you seen Caferace?
    Britt likes this.
  3. G 97

    G 97 Garth

  4. Steve H

    Steve H Well-Known Member

    Lots of very good doctors in México - unfortunately some very bad ones too...

    Yes patients occasionally die because of them.

    We have been here for a while and have found people who we now know and trust. Our experience has been good and we are very happy with the standard of care.
    Metalhead likes this.
  5. Steve H

    Steve H Well-Known Member

    No but I have seen GoPro videos of my friends doing 200 mph on public roads...
  6. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    It's amazing how these articles and Government reports can come up with statistics that "tells a story." Of course we all "trust" that the numbers are accurate so everyone jumps on the believers bandwagon all the while ignoring that those numbers only prove what the people compiling the info want it to prove. Has anyone calculated into those numbers the part of the US medical expense is tied to cosmetic procedures and other procedures that are not performed in some of these other countries? Probably not.

    Also added to that is the number of patients that are turned away in many (most) of those Government paid plans because someone decided that the procedure didn't need to happen. See, in Government paid medical care it's up to a bureaucrat what a patient gets treated for and not the patient or doctor involved.

    To state it simply, the whole picture of medical care is a huge, complex issue that cannot be explained in a single report.

    Just my opinion ya see. :p
    gixxerreese likes this.
  7. Steve H

    Steve H Well-Known Member

    Agree 100 % that it is a very complex issue. And I was not really trying to analyze it.

    Just I was challenged to support my statement that the US does not get good value for its health care dollar - and I took the bait.

    I picked the CIA world factbook because it is US Government not some lunatic fringe publication - and will not be deliberately biased against the US. It’s probably the the best single source available....

    The numbers are what they are - and for sure have some margin for error - but overall are very consistent with the point I was making.

    US medical care IS way over priced. If you are looking for root causes, start with litigatious society, lack of checks and balances and unhealthy lifestyle
    crashman likes this.
  8. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    And comparing those numbers and their source of origin is useless without details.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Simplified but true.
  10. Steve H

    Steve H Well-Known Member

    Those numbers are far from useless.

    When Norway is fourth in the world for health care spending and 7th in the world for infant death, the difference could be due to "details" like climate, genetics, etc...

    When the US is first in the world for health spending and 40th or 50th for life expectancy etc, infant mortality etc, there is something very seriously wrong !!!

    You cant explain that away with "details", mis reporting etc... Especially not with the US government as the data source. It does not matter if the numbers are not exact. Even if the US were to be 25th place instead of 50th, it would still a deplorable result...

    Wake up and smell the coffee...
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Actually details do matter. Lifestyle, when the dollars are,spent and on what type of care. Nor arguing pro or con, but we spend a lot at end of life that many countries may not. We also have a significant percentage of the,population that live an unhealthy lifestyle and then wants a magic pill. We spend a lot,on vanity as well.
  12. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Why don't you explain it then if no details are necessary? Where are the problems?
  13. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Don't forget the percentage of illegal births which would depress out numbers. Consider that most countries do not do birth right citizenship thus attracting fewer 3rd world mothers in the final trimester.
  14. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    No comments on the Fox Trump interview? Anything said bother any of you Trump guys or can he still do no wrong?
  15. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Let me see if I can help you grasp this...

    I didn't vote for Trump because of who he is. I voted for Trump because of what he proposed to accomplish and the views of Hillary. NOTHING he has done so far is likely to make me support a democrat platform that is increasingly socialistic. I will never support open borders, politically correct BS, equating disagreement with hate, phobias or isms. I will not subscribe to assignment of guilt simply because I was born a particular gender or race. I will not support a party, or press that continues to insult my being as well as my intelligence.

    It isn't that Trump cannot do any wrong, it's that he is still a better choice than the alternatives offered up thus far. If he stops trying to accomplish what he promised to do in his campaign, you will have a point. As of this moment, it is 100% character assassination by a press and a party that I do not respect enough to hold in contempt.

    It isn't that he is infallible or perfect, far from it. It is, very simply, what you offer is, IMHO, much worse.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
    Brad, Montoya, TXFZ1 and 11 others like this.
  16. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Show me a post here where anyone has said “Trump can do no wrong”

    I’ll wait.

    Now explain to me why the left is so fucking concerned with what he’s done prior to office yet can’t even remotely get him on anything while in office...

    Oh yea, because he’s doing a pretty decent job for someone new to politics.

    Everyone is excited about the tax evasion charges but not a peep about Sharpton abd his tax evasion for a decade.

    Not a peep about school shooting training camp.

    Not a peep about another citizen being killed by an illegal.

    Those things are why the left party continues to get its Dick knocked in the dirt.
    kangasj, XFBO, 88/532 and 1 other person like this.
  17. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    This is an excellent summary, very well said.

    Can any of you TDS sheep name one policy from any Democrat that is a better way of doing things? Just. One. Policy? Quite literally every policy proposal from every Democrat is an emotionally charged pile of hot garbage designed to just make government bigger and make people more dependent. Please give an example to the contrary.
    So no...I don't care what Trump said in an interview. I do care that the economy is booming, everyone has jobs, SCOTUS is back to defending the Constitution, trade imbalances are being corrected, less of my tax dollars are supporting the climate cult, we are investing in defense again, our enemies are on notice and rogue nations are scared again, we defeated the terrorist army taking over the ME, the left is finally being exposed as complete scum, and overall America doing much better. A bonus is watching you TDS snowflakes cry every time Trump speaks, while literally everyone in the country is better off. Another bonus is watching #walkaway grow like crazy, black Americans support for Trump double, and the media try to hide it...which makes those numbers grow even more.
  18. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    but, but, muh feelz (and the feelz of non-citizens, criminals, and just general anti-Americans or what we call Democrats).
    brex likes this.
  19. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Cite? They may have changed names (again), but they are certainly still there, as are the ones in Africa.

    We may have set them back, but we certainly didn't defeat them.
  20. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Smart enough to not have cable so I could care less what the bobble heads did.

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