What's it worth? GSXR600

Discussion in 'General' started by notbostrom, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    2008 GSXR 600 3200 miles all stock in "as new" condition?

    Curious what a reasonable actual price it would sell for if posted in all the usual places, CL, Cycletrader, various bbs's etc...
  2. Greg S

    Greg S Well-Known Member

    .67 cents
  3. Pigman

    Pigman Well-Known Member

    6-6500 here...
  4. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

  5. desmo2

    desmo2 Well-Known Member

    Let's start the bidding at $500.

    5dabladabbbullbb5, do I hear 5? 5 dirkadirkabubblabar...

    $500 to Desmo2!

    $550? 550 dirkabarlebubbladrubaboat, 550? Can I get a 550???

    Going once...

    Going twice...

    SOLD to Desmo2 for $500!

    Cool. Nice doin' business wit ya! How you want that 5 hun?
  6. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    I was expecting your answer as a multiple of Groms.. I'm thinking it's worth 2x Grom
  7. surfingsk8r

    surfingsk8r Well-Known Member

    In my area it's worth around 5k. You might get more by parting it out. Especially if the stock fairings are in good shape.
  8. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  9. Depends if you are referring to stock Groms or my Grom.

    I'll take your Gixxer and $5k for Grim. :D
  10. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

  11. Tristan

    Tristan Well-Known Member

    There's your answer...it's all about location and timing. List it for 7 and knock off 500 a week until sold.
  12. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    Thats probably a good plan. I really don't plan on selling it but for some odd reason decided a Duc 916,996 or 998 would be a fun street bike. At my age the grunt of a twin is easier around town than wringing the 600's neck.
  13. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Well its spring time and as they say when it comes to motorcycles and even exorbitantly price jacked ones........"there's an ass for every seat" :D
  14. sdiver

    sdiver Well-Known Member

    I picked 1 up early last year meeting that description but with a few nice add-ons for $5750. Absolute perfect condition and receipts for maintenance. I then sold it for $5500 in the fall after putting a couple thousand miles on it.

    I've seen a bunch on c-list at $6500+ and they all just sit until price is lowered. The problem is you can find NOS at dealers for $8K-$8.5k if you shop hard enough. I've also seen a bunch get delisted presumambly sold under the $6K mark so that's where I would start with my listing if you really want to sell it. Just my $.02 in relation to the GSXR market in flyover country.
  15. desmo2

    desmo2 Well-Known Member

    Hey, I'm a Ducati guy, but "at my age" and "Duc 916 would be a fun street bike" have probably never, ever, EVER been used in the same sentence (or in consecutive sentences?). The 916 was a torture rack among sport bikes.

    I'd still love to have one, though! :D
  16. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    it would pair nicely with the wife's monster... but is it realy that bad a riding position vs a GSXR?
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    From everyone I know who has had one - yes. :D
  18. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    I'm gonna have to find one to spend a few minutes in the saddle with....
  19. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    You should test one. My 916 killed my wrists, and I was in my early 30's.

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