Best on-bike vid cam?

Discussion in 'General' started by Shyster d'Oil, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. pefrey

    pefrey Well-Known Member

  2. shakenbake

    shakenbake Looking for my Burrow Owl

    I bought a Garmin VIRB Elite and look forward to shooting some track footage with it.

    So far the around the neighborhood testing has been cool. GPS lap data overlay is awesome. Can be paired to Heart rate monitor for that kind of gee wiz info.

    Very cool product, I like it so far
  3. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    Here's some footage from a Virb Elite, the editor has different dash options for speed/elevation changes etc. However I forgot to put a piece of tape over the mic.

    This is from a preproduction model, mic taped off.

    You can also incorporate a Garmin heart rate monitor.
  4. shakenbake

    shakenbake Looking for my Burrow Owl

    Wow, tape over the mic makes a huge difference.

    Are you using the dive cade or just letting it hang out in the open?

    So far, I like the camera way more than my GoPro's. The VIRB is very easy to use
  5. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    I don't used the dive cade, seems to be a pretty robust unit. I've dropped it many times, just throw it in the tool box, etc.
  6. Rising

    Rising Well-Known Member

    Snack, do you work for Garmin?
  7. flyboy

    flyboy Well-Known Member

    Maybe you're just slow???

  8. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    No, but I have so e friends that do and they treat me pretty well. Garmin HQ is in the KC area.
  9. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    Just got one of these for a road trip; didn't get a change to really learn it, but the picture quality was very nice, even at 30fps. Night footage was very good as well:


    The thing I liked most was the size: much smaller than others, more discrete:


    I was riding with a guy who had a GoPro3. The PrimeX's had a far superior build quality; all machined metal. Made the GoPro look like a cheap toy.

    WiFi app was nice, but a bit tough to sync up at times. Considering that it just came out, I'm sure they'll improve it. Lots of mounts and other options. Also releasing a wireless controller soon, although the app also controls the unit as well as a full size preview.

    $299 for 120 fps, 1080p, 3 selectable zoom angles, 3meter waterproofing, pro sound hook up, small form factor and a ton of mounts. Not a bad deal me thinks.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
  10. rhouck

    rhouck wat?

    ^ the Prime is tempting, looks great.

    I am using the ReplayXD Mini -- stats aren't as nice (720p@60 or 1080@30, no wifi), but the mounts are good, small form factor, easy-to-use buttons, etc. I ended up buying a second one (so one front facing, one rear facing) since they're only $150 on Amazon.
  11. Rising

    Rising Well-Known Member

    The company I work for uses a lot of their products, so I was curious. I know a couple of people that work there as well.
  12. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    How's the battery life?
  13. duggram

    duggram Sunrise Bahia de LA

    What does the WiFi app do? Allow you to transfer video to an iPad while you shoot? Or what?

    Do they make a mount adapter for the GoPro mounts? I've got a bunch of those left over from my original GoPro. Actually, I just sent them an email to ask about this.
  14. duggram

    duggram Sunrise Bahia de LA

    Got a reply from Replay sales. They thought an adapter for GoPro mounts was a good idea, and they have passed it upstairs.
  15. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    The App will do a live feed from the camera, although to be honest, it's a bit delayed. Works over WiFi. Still, very helpful for set up; don't know how people set up the angle without it.

    App can also take control of the off/on, switch from video to photo mode, FPS, and a bunch of pro settings like white balance and such. Didn't get into the pro controls yet; was pretty happy with the stock settings.

    Yes, you can transfer, but it's VERY slow (especially the 120p video of course). I'm sure this will improve with Firmware and app updates.

    There's also a mico HDMI out port and USB, but the USB won't talk to a computer. You need to use a standard micro/SD card adapter.

    BAttery life seems to be around the rated 3-4 hours, but i didn't pay attention. When the battery got low, it would go into sleep/off mode without warning. I had it helmet mounted, so I couldn't see the lights. A dedicated hardware remote would be nice; for I was using my phone as a GPS. WiFi does wear out the battery more, but they also have optional battery packs.

    The plastic mounts it came with were very nice, and there was quite a few. They have also pro level aluminum mounts too (pricy of course). Overall, this is designed more for real videographers, but still easy for a novice to use.

    They also have an optional 4.3" pro monitor which looks kind of cool, at $189:


    I'd like the ability to have multiple cameras connected (wirelessly) to the monitor, with a hardware move that lets me toggle through. Great for a vehicle, especially if it'll work with the cheaper cameras.
  16. rhouck

    rhouck wat?

    Are you sure? In my replay camera, you can transfer USB. If you just plug it in, it just charges. But with the right button combination, it mounts it as a removable storage device and you can copy video files off it that way.
  17. rraiderr

    rraiderr Ron Jermey Jr

    I have been asking the same question, I still have HD Hero2 and ready to buy something new.

    After watching my buddy have issue upon issue with the newest GoPro black I am hesitant.
  18. grady anderson

    grady anderson Well-Known Member

    Cheap (starts at $80, under $120 with an assortment of mounts and misc stuff)
    Works great
    Just ordered an extra and enough mounts to switch between friends bikes and watch videos on the laptop all day
    Total investment under three hundred bucks for two cams and a shitload of mounting options
  19. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Dude, this thread was posted in February. When Doyle thought he was going to ride this year.
  20. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    Well, I didn't spend a ton of time with the camera, but simple plug and play doesn't work. THe manual also said that it won't work as well.

    Maybe there's some sort of combination that will, worth an inquiry into support I guess. Would love it to transfer to an iPhone/Pad via USB, which is much faster than wireless.

    Overall, a ton of potential.

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