Congrats to the AMA guys... Oh Wait.

Discussion in 'General' started by nikk777, May 13, 2013.

  1. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Then doesn't matter apparently.
  2. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    Yes, but surprisingly little WIN in it.

    Synopsis: "Mommy, Bobby took my toys!"

    "Bobby is bigger than you, deal with it."
  3. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

  4. Waterboy

    Waterboy Rain Man

    I don't talk on here much, but this thread is kind of funny to me... I'm weird, I guess. I race because I love it, not to make money. There's not a lot of people that club-race to make $ these days. To me, I think it's great when a pro shows up to race! I learn a lot watching them! To me, it gives good exposure for the racing org, too. Keep them coming!:beer:
  5. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    I don't. :D
    I know of one going back to March of 1999 on the "other" board that I found amusing.

    At the spring CCS races in Daytona Eraldo Ferracci arrived with his new riders, Larry Pegram and Matt Wait. They entered the Supertwins race. At the riders meeting it was announced that everybody was expected to finish, no last lap pulling off.

    Larry and Matt finished 1-2 in the race. A friend of mine, Tom Fournier, finished third. For those not familiar with Tom, at the time he was in his mid 50's and had lost his right lower leg in a racing accident at Bridgehampton in 1993.

    The usual shit storm erupted on the internet, Ferracci's riders should have pulled out, they shouldn't have entered the race, etc., etc.

    When I arrived at Tom's paddock for the AMA national the following week I told him about all the hub-bub on the internet and that people were curious as to whether he was upset or not.

    "Actually, I'm not upset at all. Come to think of it, you know who should be upset? All those people who were riding 916's, 996's, TL1000's, RC-51's and all the other big twins who finished behind me. You want to know why? Because I blew up the motor on my 996, so I had to beat them all on my 748!"

  6. rk97

    rk97 Well-Known Member


    Before I was really following AMA racing closely, I was doing a track day at Mid-Ohio. This was 3 weeks before the AMA round, and one of the NESBA control riders who I'd met at Putnam was "testing to see how bad the AMA guys will lap me" if he decided to race.

    Anyway, I approached Ron to say hi, and asked if he would be up for a track walk after the day was over. I casually asked if the guy in the garage next to him wanted to come too.

    He said, "maybe on the scooter."

    About an hour later, I realized I had just told Corey West he could tag along on our track walk if he wanted...
  7. A.R.K.

    A.R.K. Well-Known Member

    Wish more AMA regulars would race WERA myself. One of my favorite pic's from Cycle Jam at VIR :) It was F'ing impressive to watch Gerloff (for a very short time) when he passed me the next lap.
  8. MitchellMetrick

    MitchellMetrick Active Member

    Didnt they show up so that new girl who just came over from Europe could learn the track and practice??
  9. Ed Sorbo

    Ed Sorbo Well-Known Member

    An AMA Pro is just a club expert who paid for an AMA licenses.

    Chickenshit? I moved from Hawaii to race my TZ against the best guys I could find. 6 years in the AMA making a living as a privateer. At the same time I raced with WERA, WSMC and in Canada, no one ever said I should not race. Then, Poof, my AMA class was gone. Now according to mbmotorsports if I want to keep racing I need to go to another national series or up to the world level so that I don’t move backwards.

    JU, you raced AMA 250 GP at Atlanta and Barber in 2003, you did well for an old guy and you had a good tuner, clearly you should have pulled over.

    Like I said before; this is racing not some other sport, line your ass up and beat me if you can and that goes double for Rossi and everyone else.

    This is the best thread, ever.
  10. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    I remember watching you race in Shannonville Ed. :clap::)
  11. joeyg

    joeyg Well-Known Member

    I am a guy who was chasing contingency this weekend and I was okay with them being there.... When I decided I wanted to race I chose WERA over CCS because it was the general consensus that the faster guys who where going some where came up through WERA. I rode like a puss in my money races and didn't even pass two of my regular competitors, hell had I past them in one of the races (cant remember what one) it would have been a third but I didn't. The pros where right there in front of us just barely holding a gap. I want to be the best and this weekend I saw how I stack up against some of the best. I hope they come out and play again!
  12. MELK-MAN

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    drive on down I-95 to West palm beach in a couple weeks, most of the top 5-6 in mid wt and likely more than that in the unlimited classes hold AMA licenses. Continue that quest of "how do i stack up" :)
  13. Mblashfield

    Mblashfield Well-Known Member

    I'm just the mailman. According to me? Try again, I'm nowhere near the only one with this opinion. If you believe that you are more ignorant than you appear making the statement in the first place.
  14. Mblashfield

    Mblashfield Well-Known Member

    So tell us how money has anything to do with it? Are you saying only rich racers pull off?
  15. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    In 1979, the AMA combined the Amateurs and Experts in a heat race at the Laconia Classic. Amateur Frank Camillieri had the gall to stuff Yamaha factory rider Ron Pierce in the final turn for the win. (Note the open face helmets. :wow: )

  16. MELK-MAN

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    sweet ! ! ! no quarter.. Lead, follow, get outa the way. And all that stuff.
  17. Knotcher

    Knotcher Well-Known Member

    Have them race a GSV-R...
  18. thiagoleal23

    thiagoleal23 Well-Known Member

    Maybe WERA and CCS should get together and do a huge GRAND NATIONAL FINALS!! and see how everyone stacks up!!
  19. migkilr

    migkilr Tool

    I hereby declare that if I ever bitch about getting beat by a rider on a legal bike because its unfair that he/she is better than me, every racer on this board has the right to kick me in the throat.

  20. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    Frank and his son were racing two days ago up at Loudon!

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