It Really Works!

Discussion in 'General' started by bkeros, May 23, 2012.

  1. bkeros

    bkeros Well-Known Member


    Bring 'em on over! More People that Eat Tasty Animals! I'll go to the store and get some BBQ! If they're the other PITA / I mean PETA, that's fine too...I just have to get a bigger plank and bucket for them!

    Speaking of which...just checked the buckets and...two more in back and one in front. What's that...9 in two days?!? Just saw one scurry up the inside of an outside wall, so clearly more work to do!
  2. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    For those of you that think killing a chipmunk is cruel just remember. They do most of there activities at night and they are noisy when in a wall or under a floor. After a few nights of not sleeping you would get rid of them with any means you can. I was on a canoe trip and the rented cabin had them. I could not believe how much noise they make it was like a dog walking on a wood floor all night long! Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. I wanted to pull my freaking hair out the first night after that I just drank till I passed out and forgot they were there.
  3. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    Ive heard the opposite when reading some articles.

    Either way I couldnt drown a cute wittle squirrel. :)
  4. bkeros

    bkeros Well-Known Member

    Yeah no kidding! I heard one in the walls a week or two ago, but I think he's become another customer of "The Bucket!" Now I have to figure out how I'm going to fill in all those holes next to my foundation walls that they dug. I need to figure out how to get pea gravel or sand down there!
  5. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Post a pick of your contraption please. I need to build one.:beer:
  6. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Mud pump
  7. forceten

    forceten Well-Known Member

    The chipmunks around here were too damn fast to shoot with a pellet gun, so two years ago I researched the nets, and sure enough - lots of good reviews/results with the 5 gallon bucket and a ramp. I put peanut butter at the end of the ramp and half fill the bucket with water. Then layer a good layer of sunflower seeds on the top so it looks solid.

    Chipmunk after chipmunk.

    Make sure you get rid of the dead ones as soon as possible. They are smart enough if they see one of their own dead inside they will not go in.

    Also - after 3-4 days the sunflower seeds will start to sink. And then a day or two after that - damn they smell nasty. Remember to keep resetting the swimming pool and putting fresh sunflowers in.

    I was shocked on just how many chipmunks we had at one time. i thought 2-3, and we had dozens!
  8. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

  9. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    We just had a guy come and work on our house due to a few bats and he used a expanding foam that has metal bits in it so they will not chew it. Its a dark grey color and is put in to a chalking gun. I will look and see if I can find a link I need to order a bit more as the garage needs a spot done.
  10. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    Mmmmm I have some empty buckets in the yard................
  11. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

  12. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

  13. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

  14. bkeros

    bkeros Well-Known Member

  15. kendamn

    kendamn Well-Known Member

    What's the daily bag limit on these little buggers. I counted six today!
  16. bkeros

    bkeros Well-Known Member

    Just got back in town from the TT a couple days ago, so have been slacking on the "Bucket Brigade." Got it back together last night, and whaddya know - another two customers!

    The problem I'm having now is that the squirrels have discovered the tasty little seeds, and scare the chipmunks away. I don't think squirrels do any harm, and I like them running around, so gotta figure out what I can do to get the chipmunks but not attract the much bigger squirrels.

    Any ideas? :confused:
  17. High Side

    High Side When you see God....brake

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2012

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