I usually use photoshop to make fun of people...

Discussion in 'General' started by bodell, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Kyle827

    Kyle827 Well-Known Member

    Beside the titles says he usually makes fun of people with photoshop so we can't jest back....I call foul on that one :D
  2. Alex_V

    Alex_V Dump the diesel

    Sean, having a bad day?
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I never said anything about the filter. I'm talking about you and your actions and your words that you typed. You can try and make this about photoshop but it won't help, it's about you and Kyle and how you acted towards a fellow racer who neither said or did anything to warrant you being assholes.

    If it bothers you so much to be called out for it - then why was it okay for you to do it in the first place with no provocation?
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nope. You?

    I'm actually laughing that you thought it was okay to be an asshole for no reason and it bugs you when I'm an asshole towards you for a reason.... ;)
  5. Alex_V

    Alex_V Dump the diesel

    For no reason?

    Actually seeing photoshop garbage like this bugs me alot more then you being an ass.

    Compare this to a stretched R6... we know it's junk, but it makes someone happy. best is to keep quiet and not point and laugh
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So basically you agree you were out of line. Good.
  7. Kyle827

    Kyle827 Well-Known Member

    Hey Sean you also tell all the mentally challenged people on American Idol they can all sing really good right? Look Paula sometimes the truth hurts. :moon: hahah sorry couldn't resist.
  8. Alex_V

    Alex_V Dump the diesel

    Out of line? Not at all.

    Just doing my usual internet attention whoring, as you call it.
  9. Kyle827

    Kyle827 Well-Known Member

    My friends tell me I suck all the time from racing to life, sometimes correct. I laugh and tell em FU and we have a beer. Guess the internetz is gettin all PC and stuff these days with the pussifcation of american in full effect :D
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So you're friends with the OP?
  11. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    check your email (not PM)
  12. Kyle827

    Kyle827 Well-Known Member

    Tu shay. I am done :D
  13. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate

    Not everybody with a bike is a racer...
  14. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
  15. Kyle827

    Kyle827 Well-Known Member

    Well I was done but.....at least quote the right person if you are going to get me back. Yes novice to roadracing, but experienced dirt racer. So I just started messing with road racing...pretty sure you posted my profile that has RACE results so that makes a RACER correct? No one said anything about good I even tell you I am avg turd in my sig, I didn't post anything about myself saying look at how cool I am. I suppose I could post you some ama results or some gncc results if you would like? Do you even need a bike to be a RACER, I can't race on feet, or in a car, or race in a boat? So I give you the :moon: then pass you a :beer:

  16. Alex_V

    Alex_V Dump the diesel

    Dude... I am not quitting my day job to be a racer
  17. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    I thought that was Alex Varcarcel (sp?) the whole time. Never paid that much attention. Then I saw the laptimes and knew it must not be :crackup.
  18. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Look at those grids, anyone else remember grids like that? 56 entries in a solo.

    Mediumweight Solo Novice Yamaha 250 56 44
  19. bitchcakes

    bitchcakes reluctant member

    The World needs dicks. Dicks fuck pussies, but sometimes dicks fuck assholes. :D
  20. Alex_V

    Alex_V Dump the diesel

    Three wave start. About 3 red flags. Riding with 600 clowns was the worst race ever.

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