
Discussion in 'General' started by omatter34, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    I guess that would work too :clap:

    Never thought of it. Usually I catch them at night, so I have a mag light available anyway. it acts as my mallet :D
  2. noeyes

    noeyes Well-Known Member

    I had one trapped in our pantry. I was afraid if I moved the box he was half way behind he would get away then my wife would freak all night.

    I got the ol Daisy Red Ryder, put the barrel bout 4 inches from him and popped him. :up:
  3. joec

    joec brace yourself

    stick balanced out the window with peanut butter on it. mouse goes out, unbalances said stick...out they go. you can tie the stick to something with string. so you can reuse it. the higher the better.

    rats love beef jerky, that i know.

    mice seem to love cream cheese too.
  4. Stormdragon

    Stormdragon Apogee of the nadir baby!

    As an owner of horses, with a hay barn, I must applaud your genius.
    I think I'm done buying $20 buckets of Rampage at the farm supply. :beer:

    Of course, all that money is going to go to popcorn supplies now... :D
  5. ckruzel

    ckruzel Graphicologist Xtremeist

    don't like the glue traps, just use the conventional
  6. alex2wr

    alex2wr Well-Known Member

    I don't feel bad for those fuckers anymore. They made their way into my generator, made a nest with all the shop towel and other chewables and had their babies in it. Then when I went to use it in Nelson, the generator wouldn't fire, so when I open it I found a bunch of wires eaten up and heard the baby bastards screaming for help. Not their lucky day.
  7. Woofentino Pugr

    Woofentino Pugr Well-Known Member

    My brothers 33' camper had its wiring destroyed by mice this summer. Sad thing I told him to make sure ALL holes and cracks are sealed, hang bags of mothballs near the suspension and jacks and make sure to have alot of tin cats inside. Didnt do anything and voila, lots of damage.

    Tin cats work great for catching multiple mice. Make sure to put a glue board inside since dead mice will stick to metal after a while. BTW mice can only survive around 4 hrs without eating since they get their water from food normally.
  8. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    One got under our entertainment center one night. I could see the lil bastard but I didn't want to use my BBgun with him amongst all the wires back there.

    So.... I twisted a paper clip in half, got a thick rubber-band, and capped his ass.

    And they said all those wasted hours goofing off in class would never pay off... :D
  9. omatter34

    omatter34 Well-Known Member

    Put out four glue traps and two conventional last night around the perimeter of the garage. This morning I have three glue traps and two conventional left, but can't find that little bastard anywhere. WTF! Am I dealing with some kind of zombie mouse since it was still 11/11/11? If so, what now? :mad:
  10. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    You have to ask yourself, what would Rooster Cogburn do?
  11. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    What the heck is a tin cat?

    I had a couple move around 4-5 feet from their original spot, when I found them the mouse usually managed to get a couple feet free and tried to escape but just dragged the thing. If you put 'em outside, it could be anything. A squirrel could have stepped on it, etc, etc. That glue is firggin sticky.
  12. buxton

    buxton Southern Canadian

    Here's what a tin cat is.


    The bucket trick also works well on rats, too. When we had horses and cattle we didn't want to use poison for fear of the cats, dogs, or even wildlife getting inadvertantly ill.

  13. omatter34

    omatter34 Well-Known Member

    Traps were all set inside the garage. I looked everywhere and still can't find it.
  14. rugbymook

    rugbymook Under Construction

    He ate it

  15. TrackStar

    TrackStar www.trackstar1.com

    Serious? Nature is cruel.

    Lets look at a mouses possible death scenarios. They dont usually die of old age.

    Getting picked apart by a bird while still alive
    Getting swatted around by a cat for 15 minutes
    Getting swatted and tossed by a fox
    Freezing to death
    Starving to death
    Being dehydrated from the inside out by poison
    Electrocuted from chewing through wire
    Drowning in my bucket

    My solution is no more cruel than the death a mouse will face anyway. Drowning is fairly painless, there is some panic I'm sure but hey my wife panics when she see's them so we're still even. It's not my job or goal to give a mouse a less cruel death than nature would provide him, my goal is to kill the little fucker.
  16. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    What do you use on the cat after the mice are gone?

    That's why I've never used one outside, against innocent mice. I only glued the criminals who broke into the kitchen.
  17. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    Had one sneak in years back. I used a dog food chunk.
    It died.
  18. omatter34

    omatter34 Well-Known Member

    Finally found the trap...F'in empty. Little shit drug the glue board about 25 ft to the back of the garage and then under my fridge. Must be a tough guy cause he wedged it under there and broke free. All I caught was a bunch or hair and mouse crap. :down:
  19. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    I've had a few smart ones this year, eat the peanut butter without tripping the trap. One did that 3-4 times, I finally had to get more traps, put the baited one in the middle of 4 other ones, set but unbaited. Finally got the little bastard that way, got him in an unbaited one as he went over it towards the pb. They can be smart little f-ers.
  20. tropicoz

    tropicoz Well-Known Member

    Holy shit, no kidding? They're RODENTS for chrissakes!!!! I'm more conerned about keeping a clean, pest free home for my family than a gentle way to solve the problem. If I see a live one, I'll use my boot, a rock, shovel, whatever the hell I can at that moment to end the little bastard. And yes, Joe, a Maglite is awesome!
    To the OP, traditional traps work great alongside some of those green food/poison cubes. Those seem to really bring em in, and the traps take care of the rest. Just have to be vigilant about getting rid of the dead ones. Can't imagine any new mice would go there after seeing one of their homies all smashed up.

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