Another Pedal Bike ??

Discussion in 'General' started by ChemGuy, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    I have gotten pretty heavy(at least for me) into cycling for the last couple months. I'm doing ~50mi a week along with swimming and running for Tri training. I now have a Tri bike and road bike, trainer, etc. It was mentioned in a couple of other threads about getting "fitted" for your bike. Its something I definitely want to do. There are a couple of good shops around me that have a "fit system". Does anyone have any opinions on a particular brand of fitting system, or shop in NW ATL?

    One shop uses the Specialized BG fit, the other is listed as proFit. Any input on this other than NESBA sucks and DaveK's junk?

    Thanks guys,
  2. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    Roswell Bikes. Great guys and have a great selection of pretty much everything.
  3. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    Addictive Cycles over here on the East side of the suburbs - Cody is excellent as fitting you to your bike. He has done absolute magic with me.

  4. atomic410

    atomic410 Well-Known Member

    its more than just numbers. find a place that will do the baseline numbers and also do the video ananalysis as part of the package. correct form annanalysis helps make it easier to fit a bike properly. a great example is upperbody fit. if you have a gut your knees tend to go more outwords to compinsate compaired to the straight up and down stroke that is ideal. things can be done with the upper body #'s to help aid this. I'm probally not explaining it very well. hopefully you understand what i'm getting at. video annalysis helps is my point.
  5. ScottyJFZ1

    ScottyJFZ1 UVBNFZD

    Mike at Atlanta Cycling in marietta/vinings is very good.... otherwise All3Sports in Dunwoody has the mack daddy computerized system...
  6. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    Thanks for the info guys. may need to haul my bikes over to all3. I forgot they fit there.

    atomic- I totally get what your saying and cycling is what im doing to help loose the gut.
  7. Strickette

    Strickette Katy, TX

    A good fit makes all the difference. I have 4 herniated discs in my low back and after getting a professional fit, I ride 150+ miles a week and race now without any back pain.

    Just remember, no amount of cycling can make up for a bad diet. A good rule of thumb is that 80% of weight loss is a result of nutrition, not exercise. :)
  8. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    I would say Roswell Bikes too.

    They are teh guys all the AMA guys use too :D, from what i gather at least.

    at 50mi, id say you need more miles too. Most guys I know do 50mi near every saturday, as well as 20ish mi several times per week (well over 100mi per week)
  9. 418

    418 Expert #59

    What do you guys average MPH on a "real" bike during a ride, just wondering.
  10. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Not sure what you mean by real bike.

    assuming not much wind

    but depends where I am. South GA or florida, 19-20ish mph for most any distance 15-50mi, solo.

    Farther north, 17-18mph solo. Hills kick my ass.
  11. 418

    418 Expert #59

    I meant I ride a stationary, hence the question. 14mph is about what I average, you'd be absolutely killing it at 18mph. But then I don't really know how accurate my little cheesy stationary bicycle is anyways.
  12. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    That makes more sense LOL. :beer:

    FWIW I am not good. I am at the level of about a recreational cyclist, or hobyist. Not a racer
  13. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    What kind of RPM do you turn?

    One "secret" nobody told me about at first was "spinning".

    I started out averaging 16mph, about 60rpm. My legs almost fell off. I could not go more than like 10-15 mi without dying.

    I then went to 16mph at 85-90rpm. Legs lasted a LOT longer.

    Then once I got stronger my rpm stayed the same but I wsa able to push another gear, so MPH went up to 17mph. Then another gear, and 18mph

    Use RPM to your advantage, rather than raw power. It helps the cardio too
  14. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    On the stationary I guess that would be, turn the resistance down, and peddle faster. It doesnt have gears, but the resistance would feel like it I guess.
  15. 418

    418 Expert #59

    No clue on the RPM. The thing has a few pre-set programs that take you through the resistance level as you're going along.
  16. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    I will check out Rosewll bikes now too.

    I would do some more miles but a) I suck b) I'm out of shape & c) I swim and run for my triathalon training so I dont have many extra days.

    More miles on a weekly basis will be added shortly.
  17. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    I need someone to teach me to swim. I mean I can "not drown" in water, but I cant "swim".

    I want to do a sprint tri. now that it is spring/summer I will ride average about 15mi per day, during the week, and 50ish on sat. I also will run a 5k a few times per week. sometimes instead of riding. sometimes with riding. sometimes in the morning.

    But I need to swim. I dont knwo how, but I need to learn

    Roswell is a really nice shop. Like I said all of the AMA guys go there from what I hear.
  18. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    With all that biking and running you should some sprint tri's. You would kill in those 2 events. there are laots of those events around GA, AL, FL etc. Thats what I'm doing this year. I decided to do them a few months ago to force myself back into shape/ train.

    Spending way too much $$$$ on gear, bikes, swimming time, etc means I wont blow off workouts.
  19. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Yeah. That is my intent. But like I said I cant swim properly yet. I have to learn how.

    Up until julyish of last year I was overweight and a ten year smoker. I was 5'9" 195lbs of beer gut.

    Now I am 165ish lbs, and in WAY better shape.

    It was a strange transformation.
    I was like "I need to quit smoking for racing (motorcycles)"
    That turned into "if I am going to do that to get in shape, I need to eat better"
    then "If I am going to eat better, I need to get moving" so I bought a bicycle.
    Winter came and riding was harder due to daylight, but I could run. So I got back into running.
    then I decided well if I am running and cycling, I need to learn how to swim, and I an do a sprint tri.

    That is where I am now. :D I need to learn to swim and start REALLY training.
  20. LordMDP

    LordMDP ... ... ... ....

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