Things learned from Middle Georgia Kart Track

Discussion in 'General' started by Huey130, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. blankwall

    blankwall Well-Known Member

    I've been searching for an xr100 but stumbled upon a kx65 which do u think is better for super moto? The kx65 is a sweet deal. any idea what size wheels it has?


    Been wanting to go there. I have a CRF150..any mods? Is it legal?
  3. meanseeds

    meanseeds Well-Known Member

    just a guess but they're probably right around the same with slightly more parts available for the xr
  4. blankwall

    blankwall Well-Known Member

    ok well i can get the kx for $450 or the xr for $600. which would you choose. 1998kx65 or 2000 xr 100
  5. meanseeds

    meanseeds Well-Known Member

    both so my friends always had something to ride!
  6. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

    There is no such thing as a 98 KX65, the 98's were still 60's. I would choose the XR over a KX60.
  7. blankwall

    blankwall Well-Known Member

    oh ok musta miss read
  8. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!


    XR100 will work in minis? Superbike 50, if I am reading the rules correctly?
  9. six6two

    six6two AWD

    there is a "spec" 100 class. all you can do is put an 80 front wheel, and tires on it as far as performance goes. oh and you can remove DA BAFFLE BRO :D
  10. Cam Morehead

    Cam Morehead Husband, Dad, Racer

    Standard shift. I think the minis make anyone faster on big bikes..... GP or standard.

    Yes, just not in the Spec XR100 class..... we tried it, the TTR is faster...

    XR100, buy a complete Honda XR/CRF80 front wheel. part # 44650-GN1-681

    Any you want.... I think of it as a play bike and no desire to spend any more money on them than I have to. I did that for a few years and won't ever do it again...
  11. Cam Morehead

    Cam Morehead Husband, Dad, Racer

    You forgot about sprockets...... bahahahaha .... and lubing the chain......
  12. Huey130

    Huey130 Chief wrench thrower

  13. Cam Morehead

    Cam Morehead Husband, Dad, Racer

    She is ROLLING!!
  14. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

  15. 418

    418 Expert #59

    For a girl. :D
  16. Cam Morehead

    Cam Morehead Husband, Dad, Racer

  17. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    You gonna make your own video and try to snag her sponsors? :D
  18. Mechdziner714

    Mechdziner714 More Gas Less Brakes

    Oh yea if you can find one for a decent price, new is over 200$. Most of the used ones I found were beat too crap or way to much $$. A brand new rim is 30$ and a set of Buchannon HD spokes (which my 220 lb ass needs) is 70$ and you end up w/ a stronger wheel. Lacing a wheel is no cakewalk tho:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2011
  19. Huey130

    Huey130 Chief wrench thrower

  20. sowega

    sowega #710

    Where are any fast chicks at MGKT?

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