Political Meltdown in Egypt...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by nycstripes, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

    How do you see this playing out? We're already putting a billion US Dollars in foreign aid into that nation..probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $30 Billion in the years since the assasination of Anwar Sadat.

    If this current Egyptian government collapses, I think well be looking at another anti-West Iran style government forming up over there.
  2. triplestack3

    triplestack3 Early Retirement

    That's what I was thinking. Crazy how they shut down all the internet in the whole country.
  3. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

    Its a double edged sword over there, there are claims that Al Qaeda is assisting the Muslim Brotherhood with organizing the protests against the Government.
  4. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Does anyone with a working brain actually think that the political regime in Egypt is dearly beloved by the people? Are you kidding me? The bastards in charge rule with an iron fist. Sure, sure, they'll take the money from the U.S.- our taxpayer dollars, by the way- because they are an 'ally'...oh yes, an ally, very nice...and expensive. The truth is that they are legions of people out of work, the place is like a third-world banana republic, and the U.S. has once again backed the wrong horse. Al Qaeda or not, can you guess how this is gonna turn out? We may be watching history in the making for that entire region.
  5. mtmansl

    mtmansl Well-Known Member

    This is turning out to be an absolute disaster. The Muslim brotherhood has seen an opportunity and they have stepped in like any other radical fundamentalist organization and they have fostered friction. The media is playing it up as "people protesting for democracy and more freedom". This is how this started but this is not what it is now. This is what Al Qaeda did between the Sunni and Shite in Iraq and what Hezbollah has done in Lebanon. If Egypt goes radical get ready for the whole Middle East to Erupt!!! We should all be concerned...

  6. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    Nice that our stucks shot down and oil went up by about 3 bucks a barrel overnight... all because of what's going on in a country on the other side of the world. Lovely.
  7. mtmansl

    mtmansl Well-Known Member

    Not defending Hosni Mubarak but the reason for this was to keep the Radical Fundamentalists from getting a foothold. Like him or hate him, he has been an ally to the US and as much as he can be to Israel. Right now the Army is still with him but if this goes the other way, whoever takes his place will NOT be friendly to the west or Isreal. This is a real potential powderkeg.

  8. mtmansl

    mtmansl Well-Known Member

    Wait and see what happens if the Suez gets shut down or if radical elements are in control of it...

  9. ian7321

    ian7321 Well-Known Member

    Does egypt have nukes? No, Israel is going to be fine.
  10. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

  11. mtmansl

    mtmansl Well-Known Member

    Brilliant statement... :rolleyes:

  12. mtmansl

    mtmansl Well-Known Member

  13. charles

    charles The Transporter

  14. Zippy1

    Zippy1 Banned

    Part of the official statement out of Tehran... :rolleyes:

    "Iran expects Egyptian officials to listen to the voice of their Muslim people, respond to their rightful demands and refrain from exerting violence by security forces and police against an Islamic wave of awareness that has spread through the country in form of a popular movement," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Saturday.

    Tehran attaches great importance to the fulfillment of public demands in Egypt, he said.

    "Iran regards demonstrations by the Muslim people of this country as a justice-seeking movement in line with their national-religious demands."
  15. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    The people talking Muslim Brotherhood are just trying to invoke a "BoogyMan" to scare everyone into supporting "the devil we know" (Mubarak). Does anyone really believe that those protesters are out there risking their lives to rid themselves of a US backed tyrant just to hand over power to a bunch of theocrats?

    Al-Jazeera showed footage of an MB crowd chanting "Allah-Ahkbar" being shouted down by protesters chanting "Muslim and Christian, we are all Egyptian".

    The military has been the best story so far. The true thugs, the police, have run from the streets because the Army refused to back them in assaulting the protesters. The Army was cheered by the people when they appeared on the streets.

    Another great story was the wall of people that formed before the Museum in Cairo to protect it just in case anyone got the idea to do damage but so far the bulk of the property damage has been limited to the police buildings and the worst entities of the Mubarak government.

    Imagine the worry in Saudi Arabia right now. Of course, they wouldn't hesitate to go into full "crush the rebellion with one swift stroke" mode if their people tried this same move.
  16. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    College pal moved there last summer to teach. Said it was great, loved the open air markets, the people etc.

    Bad timing?

    He said the protests were massive and peaceful. Of course that was right before the internet was shutdown there... (the 26th).
  17. velocityjunky

    velocityjunky Banned

    where? If it isn't on Jersey Shore I dont know anything about it.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
  18. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    Looks like some looters/vandals did indeed get into the museum but they were quickly caught and detained by the Egyptian Army after doing a small amount of damage but it is reported that nothing was stolen. The Army is now concentrating its efforts in protecting the national treasures.
  19. mtmansl

    mtmansl Well-Known Member

  20. hank748

    hank748 Well-Known Member

    I tend to ignore main stream US based reporting... Interesting that in this week's Economist's the exact opposite is reported:

    Yet the Brotherhood, which is Egypt’s largest and most disciplined opposition group, was notably absent from the protests. Having been warned of a severe crackdown if it officially endorsed them, the group only belatedly gave permission for its members to join as individuals.

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