Overall Championship

Discussion in 'General' started by Gorilla George, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. Zippy1

    Zippy1 Banned

    With WSMC, the points available per race are cut in half if the starting grid totals less than 8, I believe. So that helps alleviate many problems with cherry picking.

    Like others, they take a racer's three best finishes of the day (Sunday). Saturday Solo races don't count towards the overall total.
  2. :up:

    It has the Sticks blessing, now Mongo just needs to make it official. :D

    Ahhh...yeah. True.
  3. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

    I'm not one for discounting someone's acheivements, However I do feel that naming someone champion over people they have never raced is more than a little hollow.

    In my opinion doing a overall champion in this way would just put some Goon in front of the Lady's of WERA on Sunday morning wanting to know what classes had the least entries.
  4. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Maybe, but if it gets WERA another 2-3 entries and a dying class gets a bump, that cant be all bad
  5. Then maybe the persons "they have never raced" should make it to the track so they can have a say in who is deemed champion.

    I doubt that would be the case (showing up and asking which classes have the least). More than likely, the "overall championship" would be something that somebody thinks about/pays attention to while chasing their primary goal/championship.

    BUT, even if that were the case, so what? If a class would normally only have 2-3 bikes, but other guys decide to show up and race in those classes to chase the overall championship, now that same class has 7-10 bikes instead of 2-3........advantage WERA.

  6. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    My two cents - you need full grids throughout before having an overall championship. It then becomes valid and the problems mentioned above become minimal.
  7. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    It all depends on the definition of Overall Champion.

    If it its the fastest guy in the club then use laptimes. Because we all know that the fastest guy is not always the one winning Championships WERA, AMA, WSBK etc.

    Or is it the racer who shows up and races several classes and finishes those race?
  8. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    You take X races per weekend and those points go towards the overall championship. The format usually doesn't go off of laptimes.
  9. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    It rewards the peron devoted to showing up more than anyone. That person, right now for sure, deserves a thank you.
  10. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Maybe call it something like the Iron Man award, rather than Overall Champion.
  11. Chicken or the egg?

    We do need larger grids...and this is another way to give everyone another goal to shoot for...which could result in larger grids.

    Even if it doesnt bring more people to the races, it might encourage the people who are coming to the races to enter more classes.

    Like i said, if there were such an award, i would enter more classes to try to earn more points.

    ...which brings up another point. It shouldnt be limited to the best 3 finishes. The ultimate goal is more racers in more classes. If we limit it to the best 3 finishes, that is defeating the purpose.
  12. IMO, "Champion" needs to be in there somewhere because regardless of what some people might say, if you aren't running well/fast/consistent, you will not win this.

    It might be arguing semantics, but IMO chasing a "Championship" is different than chasing an "Award". I would not enter extra classes just to try to win some Iron Man award. But i would do it to chase a Championship.
  13. Exactly.
  14. Zippy1

    Zippy1 Banned

    I think it's a good thing having an overall champ - good for the club, that is.

    Among other things, it keeps some people racing even when individual class champs have already been determined.

    Seems that the overall champ is often, but definitely not always, among those with the deepest pockets.

    Some surely argue that the overall winner is buying the championship but the rider has to actually race and win to win it all.

    Like so many other sports - the team with the most money to spend usually wins. C'est la vie.
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Based on what I saw with CCS back in the day, that's not entirely true. You could win an overall championship and not win a single individual championship.
  16. Yeah, that is what i touched on in the first post. Some people will say it is a financial award because not everybody can afford to race a bunch of classes.

    But regardless, like you said, the guy still has to show up, enter, race well and place high in several classes throughout the entire year to have a shot at an overall championship. So yeah, it would definitely be something to be proud of and i would try my damndest to make an honest run at it.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
  17. Zippy1

    Zippy1 Banned

    No doubt. I meant win races.
  18. That is the case with EVERY championship.

    Any season-long championship (winner take all GNF races excluded) is a reward for running well and running consistent the entire year, not necessarily winning every race.
  19. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    That wouldn't be as easy to with WERA since you have to run the whole race to get points. No start and park to get a couple of points.
  20. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Back in the day, you had people entering 6-9 races in a day just to move up in the overall championships standings. At that point, it is purely a money-based championship. There needs to be a cap on the number of races taken into account for it to be valid.

    edit: Most got ticked when there wasn't a cap. CCS used to not have a cap. There's always that one person who borrows their buddies bike and enters it into X more classes to get those points. Back in the day, I remember one guy borrowing a buddy's SV for the last weekend of the season (he entered 7-8 races or something ridiculous) and wadded the bike up into the guardrail. Neither party was happy. :)
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010

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