Track Day Question

Discussion in 'Track Days' started by chopt, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. chopt

    chopt Well-Known Member

    Rider is fast B slow A group. He starts off in A group and decides he doesn't like it and request to drop down to B group. B group is tricky as you know there's riders getting used to passing and being passed.
    This action, is it a norm, has anyone here done it before, how should I treat this situation if it arises again. I allowed the change but are uncertain if it was unfair for the B group riders.
  2. xrated

    xrated Well-Known Member

    Unless you made a typo, there is a HUGE difference between a "fast B" and a slow "A". There was no mention of anything Intermediate??????
  3. kanatuna

    kanatuna You can't polish a turd..

    I assume this track group has an A B C format.... A being the fastest. I would think this happens often. If the rider just wants to go back to B so he can pass some people I wouldnt allow it. If he was in danger in A I would allow it. Just my thoughts.
  4. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    If he has or can borrow a lap timer it might give him a better idea where he should be. Also, the club coaches should be able to ride with and evaluate him.
  5. chopt

    chopt Well-Known Member

    Sorry, here ya go:
    A - fastest pace
    B - intermediate pace
    C - novice or beginner pace

    My A group for the day was 5 or 6 bikes, I don't believe danger was an issue. He told me he wanted to move down so he could practice his passing technique but he doesn't race.:eek: I allowed the group change and felt bad and are looking for suggestions the next time I'm asked to do this.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2010
  6. triplestrong

    triplestrong Well-Known Member

    The answer to that question should have been "NO".
  7. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

  8. Vinny337

    Vinny337 Vin is in...Beastmode!

    I was thinking the same thing...I must agree with Kanatuna unless he is a danger to the group, status quo.
  9. homecash

    homecash Member

    If he want to practice passing, you should have told him to step it up and pass the guys in his group!
  10. chopt

    chopt Well-Known Member

    My intuition said "no", I allowed it anyway with a firm statement that if they(yep it was 2 friends) were observed being discourteous to other riders. They were responsible for any repercussions.
  11. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    LOL. The street guys that thought they were fast didnt like getting schooled by the racers.
    Those 2 actually sound like the type of guys that make B group dangerous. No probably would have been the better answer.
  12. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    IMHO, If your just starting your organization. You should set the tone of the organization NOW. Be firm with those individuals that have no plan to follow your organization's rules. You just might have to send someone home for blantantly disregarding safety rules.

    Its easier to be firm and safety minded at the onset than it is to begin to enforce rules after an organization's member's/clients have become unruly.
  13. zachattack15

    zachattack15 Track newbie

    I'm more worried about the C group guy who moves up to B and is still parking it in every corner. If your in B group you accept the fact that you are going to be passed. I ride in B group and have no problem riding with an A group guy who will hold a line and know when to make a pass. At this particular track day a new B group guy caused a wreck because he got spooked when being passed. The A group rider who moved down didn't cause any harm. I actually enjoyed a faster pace guy riding with me.
  14. mr fatback

    mr fatback Well-Known Member

    +1.If the guy wants to move down for that reason he's just a punk.I hate him and I've never met the guy.
  15. got40

    got40 On hiatus...

    I don't think it shoulda been allowed, and if he wants to move down so he can pass people, he kinda sounds like a douche.

    On the other hand, if he didn't cause problems in the B group, whats the problem?
  16. Dutch

    Dutch Token white guy

    The way I used to handle this was to let them know there was no such thing as a "bump down for the day" and they would be permanently moved to that group until such a time as they were bumped to A group again. That usually ended the conversation. Now if I had someone who was an A rider and for whatever reason (hadnt been on the track in awhile, was coming back from a nasty get off) wasnt up to speed then yes, I would allow them to ride down a class until they got their sea legs back. Bumping down so you and your buddy can practice passing should be highly discouraged IMHO.
  17. chopt

    chopt Well-Known Member

    Until your last sentence, I was asking myself "wtf does this reply have to do with this thread".

    It was the last session of the day and I didn't think it would be a problem. B riders as zac stated is just getting used to passing and being passed. I think it's the most volatile group out there. You have ego's that makes riders think they can ride the faster pace and can't, then you have the B guys who don't want to step up to A and be a "small fish in a big pond" so to say. and zac(replying to your statement that you didn't mind him moving down), trackdays aren't designed to accomodate 2 or a small group of people, it's for everyone to enjoy themselves. If you(hypathetically speaking) do not agree to or plan to follow the rules, you're not welcome and it'll be a misreable time for you(hypathetically speaking). In that case, those few shouldn't attend

    Plus that wasn't the only rule this rider disregarded, I require you to be safety wired to ride in A, it's a known at this track. He brings a bike with not a safety wire one and expects to ride in A. I allow it, against my ruling, questioning it with other officials which ultimately I've since changed.

    I came here to ask you guys what you thought of this situation and to have an answer next time it's requested. I see I now have to create rules to dictate which group a rider can ride in instead of letting him move up based on his comfort level.
    Any suggestions?
  18. chopt

    chopt Well-Known Member

    That was their reasoning, I stated to not "bully" the other riders. From everyones replies, I will not allow this again, unless there's a legitimate reason.
  19. tfs32

    tfs32 Well-Known Member

    I am a fast B group Slow A group rider. It depends on the track as to which group I run for the day....I would never ask to drop down just to pass people, Reminds me of this...
  20. triplestrong

    triplestrong Well-Known Member

    IMO, no rider should be allowed to determine what group they should ride in. It's the coaches/control riders job to make that decision. Sometimes there are "special" circumstances but, they are very rare.

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