Lifting/Bulking Help

Discussion in 'General' started by Squigs, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    :crackhead:I really don't understand why you'd want to bulk up, it's completely counterproductive to this sport. You body ends up overly developed, overweight and your muscles tight and your joints stiff. This is exactly what you don't want if you're a roadracer. Low body mass with lean muscles, emphasizing strength, endurance and flexibility is ideal; look at Ben spies development from AMA to WSBK to MOTOGP to get my point. To that end, power yoga, spinning and swimming are your friends, not weight lifting and binge eating.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010
  2. 45° Please

    45° Please Large Member

    +1, wise words.

    Stay slim brotha, it's healthier overall. That meat head look is out and it never had a place in two wheel sports.
  3. nikponcherello

    nikponcherello EX #688

    Okay, your reply got a little cynical and argumentative. If you don't use the stuff this seems to be turning into argument for arguments sake, as the bbs is good at. I don't cite all my numbers and facts. I thought it was common knowledge that the body produces carbon dioxide and that it can kill us.

    You can call my opinion 'made up' if you're trying to turn discussion into argument. I'm saying that it's about moderation and percentages. If you're bumping up the good things by a few percent I'd guess it's okay. (you can come back and say that "a few percent" is made up numbers, but I'll save you the time. I made them up. it's my opinion, my gut feel. that's the gist of my whole post. moderation. do things in a few percent, not hundreds.) The creatine bottles themselves suggest 'loading' with hundreds of grams (at least they used to) and people DO TAKE IT BY THE CUPFULL. I've seen it in the gym. In fact, the containers each come with a cup in there for measuring it out. Before it was micronized guys would commonly take more of it than is even possible to dissolve in a solution of 12 oz of water.
    We probably read the same source that said that 95% is stored outside of the brain. I know that. I don't worry about that 95% as much as I do about the other 5% that might be in my liver/kidneys/brain. I'd make the same statement about lactic acid, or carbon monoxide, etc. That's why I mention the brain. Cigarettes were researched to death for 20 years as well, so was lead, mercury, asbestos, transfats, hydroginated oils.... My inability to prove that creatine could be bad is not a compelling reason to use the stuff. It's just further evidence that there is not a sound database out there to prove it one way or another and 20 years is hardly an indication of long term risk or risk to the next generation. I wouldn't use anything like or let my wife use anything but natural foods in natural doses when we were trying to conceive or when she was pregnant or breastfeeding. I'd venture to say that most medical professionals would agree with that logic.
  4. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    I am WELL versed in healthy eating and living. I know my body. BTW, you do realize that the body uses minute amounts of arsenic, right? Small amounts of iron is healthy, larger amounts...deadly. Stick with what nature intended. The body wasn't naturally meant to be six foot 250lb and 8% body fat.

    Everything within moderation. Keep it simple. :)
  5. Redbird

    Redbird Well-Known Member

    You're right, sometimes I get the bit in my teeth and just roll...sorry if I got a little snippy. I'll keep to a closing statement type thing here-

    When I got into lifting weights, creatine of course came up. So I started reading- it's what I do. Creatine isn't some foreign substance like, lead, nicotine, mercury, ect. It's not a synthetic that we came up with that needs to be tested exhaustively. It's a naturally occurring substance in the human body with a very specific purpose. There are muscular disorders that are directly linked to low creatine levels. Increased creatine levels have been proven to increase burst strength and decrease recovery time. Can this be abused to the point it's harmful? Absolutely. But used it moderation it's a legitimate, natural tool for a specific purpose with pretty much zero risk for a healthy adult.

    It seems to get lumped in with a lot of other "supplements" that are without a doubt not good for you, because bodybuilders put some crazy shit in their bodies.

    BTW, I'm not a bodybuilder, nor do I aspire to be one. I'm just a guy who lifts weights a bit in combination with other things to try to avoid admitting I'm past 40...

    Totally agree. :beer:
  6. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    All the "bodybuilders" I know are borderline homos.

    Just sayin'
  7. Matt399

    Matt399 Well-Known Member

    To answer your original question, I'm bulking up myself but striving for overall good physical shape (and let's be honest, looking better on the beach) rather than be a body builder, and here's what seems to be working: Protein, a daily multi-vitamin, and a reasonably healthy diet are key. Don't waste your time counting calories and being afraid to eat dinner at a sports bar, just eat good healthy foods MOST of the time, snack on healthy stuff, and try to eat several smaller meals a day.

    Don't lift 5 days a week or waste your time doing multiple sets for several muscle groups. 2-3 days a week of heavy lifting and 4-5 days of cardio will produce good results. Deadlifts, squats, and bench presses will work every muscle in your body and get you big if you focus on less reps and max weight. Throw in some tricep, bicep, and other basic exercises in too. It's more of a power lifter workout, but there's a reason those guys don't waste their time hitting the gym every day and doing 5 bicep exercises in front of a mirror. Focus on being strong and the muscle will be a natural biproduct.

    I'm not a bodybuilder or nutritionist, but that seems to work for me and everyone else I know who's done it. There's no secret to what you wanna do. If you read any bodybuilding, weight lifting, or health article they will all have some magic plan, but all of them include what I just said in one way or the other. 95% of people can't commit to a strict routine, me included, but I found just following those basics makes it easy and keeps it fun (focusing on strength rather than looks) to eat good and hit the gym hard. If you wannna try creatine, go for it. I've heard of no side effects other than bloating and cramps, which are caused by the user being dehydrated because they didn't follow directions.
  8. HRC-E.B.

    HRC-E.B. Well-Known Member

    Now here's just PERFECT advice for someone looking to pack on more mass! :rolleyes:

    I can't believe the compulsion that pushes people to recommend whatever THEY are doing, as opposed to something that actually makes sense for the poster. There's no bonus points for recruiting clones!

    The guy has different objectives. He's not looking to "get fit" or "get lean", he's looking to increase in size and mass. I would guess he's probably not of the body type that needs to get lean to reveal the existing mass, but probably a skinny guy looking to become three-dimensional instead of being shaped like a tooth-pick...
  9. Sicilian32

    Sicilian32 Well-Known Member

    dont listen to the "all natural" folk here.. guess what, your body if perfectly capable of riding itself of most toxins. taking protien is fine - i mean where the f&^k do you think they get it from oil barrels? All they do is seperate the whole milk protiens... I think many people on here never took the time to read or took any college level sports nutrition classes. Redbird seems to have some sense in him though at least. As for creatine being bad for you, lol I'm pretty sure breathing the air in the city is worse for you and after all we do ride sport bikes- HELLO not the best thing for your body and safety.
  10. Marc Camp

    Marc Camp Well-Known Member

    Self emprovement is masterbation.
  11. WFOchris

    WFOchris Custom User Title

    I guess you have to look like this guy to enjoy riding a motorcycle:


    I went through high school weighing about 145.

    I'm 168 now, and I suggest this, if you've worked out at all recently:

    Someone suggested ON Whey, it's pretty good and disolves well. Pick up some casein protein from them as well and take it at night before you go to bed. It's a slower digesting protein.

    Eat more often. Eat more quality foods. Lean meats, complex carbs (like sweet potatoes). Fruits and vegetables.

    Try this for breakfast:

    1 cup whole milk
    3/4 cup whole quaker oats
    1 scoop ON whey protein
    1 tablespoon all natural peanut butter
    1 frozen banana
    3 eggs

    blend well.

    about 800 calories, and 60 grams of protein.

    And when you're in the gym, (again already stated)- push yourself.
  12. Marc Camp

    Marc Camp Well-Known Member

    Most people would be happy to look like that.Almost everyone is fat trying to get skinny.
  13. LBKING

    LBKING Well-Known Member

    I've got this crazy idea!

    If you want a board that's specific to actual "bodybuilding", with actual bodybuilders.......go to

    You won't go wrong on that board.

    There's a plethora of misinformation in this thread.

    I don't know but maybe it's just me.......but if I wanted experienced advice on training, I'd go to a website designed for that, not a motorcycle racing forum.
  14. Vinny337

    Vinny337 Vin is in...Beastmode!

    Someone mentioned, it is a change of must first set your goal then go with a proper diet, get plenty of rest and a consistent exercise plan. You can't go wrong...:up:
  15. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    That photo of me was posted wihtout my permission.
  16. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    Damn, you are getting fat.
  17. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    When you're not at the track sweating it tends to pack on.
  18. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    yeah, you'll have that
  19. WFOchris

    WFOchris Custom User Title

    LOL - the guy said he wanted to bulk up right? He doesn't fall in to the category of fat wanting skinny.

    I have to agree with another suggestion; try another forum. is a very popular one also. Try too.
  20. mkvamso

    mkvamso Fall Risk

    Protien and carb diet, you can find plenty online that outline how many calories from each you should try and get each day
    dont rely too much on protien shakes as a supplement to your diet.
    dont buy into the hype of health supplements and bs like that. if youre going to take anything take a protien supplement and maybe creatine

    when you workout do reps with a high percentage of your max weight, do a small amount like 3 sets of 6 reps

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