Modern Warfare 2...11/10/09

Discussion in 'General' started by Cuddles de Sade, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    My son switched to BF2 for awhile, but he's back on COD. He said BF2 was just too slow-paced.
  2. desmo

    desmo Well-Known Member

    I have been playing BFBC 2 and when you get a good team it is awesome, if you get stuck with a whole flock of snipers or campers it sucks. I like the teamwork perspective that MW2 just doesn't really have, but the matches are a lot longer and more involved without as much run and gun.
  3. Keep Up

    Keep Up N 142

    I have been playing a ton lately, I suck.

    Add me as a friend if you want.

    "keep up 142"
  4. Fassina4

    Fassina4 needing some sleep

    you are about to be pwned:D
  5. fastlife1k

    fastlife1k Member

    yeah its slow paced but its alot more realistic in my opinion cod is more like halo
  6. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    It was all good until I saw the Crysis 2 previews.




    Looks like I'll be building a new pc soon.
  7. eppy01f4i

    eppy01f4i Well-Known Member

    Just watched that 5 min. ago :up:
  8. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    who is still playing? i am and i still suck. i only play maybe 3 matches a day before i get bored.
  9. r1ryder424

    r1ryder424 Well-Known Member

  10. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    traded MW2 in. game wasn't bad, but too many things that Timmay's found to exploit...ruined the experience for me.

    been playing Forza III and the copy of NHL10 I picked up.
  11. divein6

    divein6 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I stoped playing back in feb. I need a new game to play thats for sure
  12. todzuki

    todzuki got OBS?

    I play it daily. If something is wrong with my XBox 360, I'll play it on my PS3. All the guys in the office play and we even have a PS3 in the office, with MW2 running pretty much all day.

    Xbox 360 gamertag: dorito icee
    PS3 gamertag: Legion_of_Zoom
  13. I suggest you guys go buy bad company 2.

    Such a fun game. You can ride the quad you can fly the jet and you can fly the chopper. Sniper is the best with this game for sure.
  14. Black89

    Black89 Well-Known Member

    been playing a couple games a day but sometimes I do good sometimes I get owned. I don't know the maps well enough.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Sure you don't want to rethink that link? ;)
  16. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    oops. Too late to change it now Mongo. Please be nice. :)
  17. random hero

    random hero Banned

    My thoughts exactly... hadn't played the game in a while, put it in, spent the $$ on the map pack, and w/in 10 minutes was fuming... :mad: I couldn't get in a room where people weren't glitching, or cheating in some fashion. BFBC2 is much more realistic.

    Now.... a fun game is the new Splinter Cell, been playing it for couple weeks, decent online play and not a lot of cheating f**ks.

    I'll be saving my pennies to buy a UK xbox360, or PS3 and SBK-X when it comes out in three weeks.
  18. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Every night.

    BCBF2 got traded by my kids (they said it sucked; I never played it).
  19. deathblow

    deathblow Well-Known Member

    Yes I hate MW2. Pretty much play every night and working on getting to 7th prestige.
  20. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Got 10th the other night. Now I miss the little goals and challenges.

    I love this game.

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