'The Man' has a little Clinton in him...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by 88/532, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Butt they do pick and choose what they are going to put on their site.
  2. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Wait a minute......Did all the liberal just agree with Faux??? But, I thought Faux is biased against Obama because he doesn't think like them and they are racist? What gives here??:Poke:
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  3. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Either is just fine for me.....But, even better would be if she were shopping for both of us.
  4. ckruzel

    ckruzel Graphicologist Xtremeist

  5. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Perhaps Faux reported the reality. Happens sometimes. :)
  6. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

  7. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Actually, it happens all the time. Foxmania, Bushmania, Palinmania, it's all part of the same syndrome, hate and discredit anyone who doesn't toe the party line. They're now using the tactics used to smear Joe The Plumber, who had the temerity to question The One, to go after Frank Ricci, who had the audacity to appeal Sotomayor's legal opinion as part of the New haven Firefighter's suit.
  8. SimplyInsane

    SimplyInsane Guest

    Is Barry staring at her sandles? He has to be the worse prez ever. When Mr. W was prez my house was worth more, my stocks were worth more, my dollar was worth more, unempoyment was down, the country was united, abortion was about to end with a repubican senate and supreme court, we were nation building, everyone had acess to health care, it was a free market economy and now everything is ruined.
  9. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Zat you, 999? :D
  10. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Only if he recently developed a brain tumor.
  11. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    OK, just saw his other posts and see what you mean. This is what happens when I go on vacation and miss newcomers. Oops. :D
  12. SimplyInsane

    SimplyInsane Guest

    No, I'm just SI or 666.
  13. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    They pick the headlines that they choose, but the source itself is also available on Drudge. Have you ever gone to the site and looked around? Just about every news organization in the world is linked. If you click on one of the headlines it will take you to the news organization that first posted it.

    Drudge may link to some stories that some people don't want to see published, but let's not kill the messenger here.
  14. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

  15. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Yes, I have accepted your offer to vist a number of times. I still say they show their bias in picking and choosing what stories they link to.
  16. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Well, OK. I guess I'll have to live with that. I like to go to Drudge because, from one website, I can go to every news organization in the world and see what is happening in those places. It holds a vast amount of information, and is no more biased than the information contained in those other sites. I honestly see no bias in the Drudge site. Some of the linked stories can be biased, in either direction, but Drudge didn't write them. I don't understand why you blame him.
  17. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    OK, I get it... If you go to a site that primarily links to conservative sites, or pro-death penalty sites, or pro-witch sites, or pro-KKK sites, or pro-man-boy-love sites, then that site is not biased, it's the sites it links to.
  18. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    There is no such thing as unbiased reporting or an unbiased newspaper or web-site.
    That said, I wish the worst we had to worry about was Barry checking out a shapely ass. It really isn't important. It's a sad day for a man when he stops noticing a nicely put-together package, be it female or mechanical.
  19. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Jeez Bob, Do you not really understand what a "news clearinghouse" is? Drudge reports news stories. I've never gotten any indication that he gave a shit what the story is about. It's the news itself. Where do you get the idea that he only links to biased news organizations? Am I missing something here?

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