
Discussion in '2-Stroke Machines' started by Tdub, May 10, 2009.

  1. kmac

    kmac Well-Known Member

    The real rub is you can pickup a well sorted race ready 600 for about $7K and race at least four classes at Wera tracks close to home. The MD250 is a great bike and the payout is very good now, but the best I can tell Honda is only committed to the current payout for one more year. Also, isn't the MD class restricted to riders 16 and under?

    Mark made a great call at the beginning of last season when he jumped on the MD250 program and his commitment along with his boys skills have paid off very well. My son is now 15 and growing like a weed so I am hesitant to spend the $13K on the MD for only a season of strong $ payouts. However if my son was 13 or 14 year old I would be pulling the trigger on the MD.
  2. Gerloff310

    Gerloff310 G-man

    16 is the age limit for payout in the USGPRU. WERA Nationals payout is for any age on the Moriwaki.
  3. freels22

    freels22 Well-Known Member

    from a fellow 250 4t race team owner, i was wondering where you were getting your hp numbers from considering the shop you work for has no dyno and the owner said that there is no 250 4t motor there of the shops and that no personal work is to be done at the shop.
  4. kmac

    kmac Well-Known Member

    Some folks just have to be a butt!
    Please take your personal issue elsewhere.

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