Don't piss off your coworkers!!! HAHAHAHA

Discussion in 'General' started by KILLA1, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO

    This 1 guy just kept pushing buttons so we made sure he couldn't go out to lunch!!!! :up: :D

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  2. metalkid88

    metalkid88 Well-Known Member

    real nice dousch haha
  3. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    i would beat y`alls ass for messing with my car
  4. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO

    its a company car hahahhaaa
    an my boss gave the ok LOL
  5. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I would have had them escorted off the premises but I'm mean Safety Manager. :D

    Actually that looks like something I would have thought up. Of course I would have run it by our President before doing it. :p

    And hell, if it were a company car I'm sure my President would have been laughing his ass off about it and said go ahead but make sure and take some pictures for the newsletter. :up:
  6. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO

    You kno u laughed joe LOL
  7. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO

    i ran it by the boss he laughed an sad wutever :D
  8. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Hell yeah, with a company car there's no liability issue. :D
  9. frackadelic

    frackadelic Buddha Stalin is Chronic

    Ok, that's pretty funny :crackup:
  10. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO

    BTW i made sure i hid the forklift key also! :D
  11. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    thats more better then:beer:
  12. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO


    ROFL he threw a temper tantrum :D
  13. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    you should have video taped that and the boss man laughing at him
  14. Chris

    Chris Keepin' it old school

    Excellent! :up:
  15. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    IIRC Hyster forklifts won't allow you to drop the load without the forklift running. Of course in this case it wouldn't matter since it's in a doorway. :D
  16. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    A few things that we have done in the past.

    1. Cross shredded documents in the air vents, he'll be picking up paper pieces for months.

    2. Put the car up on blocks just high enough that if he's not paying attention he won't notice.

    3. Zip tie to the drive shaft. Long enought that has it's rotating it makes a thud sound on the bottom of the bed/back seat. Try to put it in an area that is visually obscured.
  17. triplestrong

    triplestrong Well-Known Member

  18. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO

    We got the zip tie done to us coming home from VIR last year! We must of stopped 15 times in like 4 miles to check the truck, then we found the tywrap! :tut: BASTARDS :D
  19. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO

    i couldnt get my phone out fast enough cus i was laughing so hard :p
  20. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Wasn't me :D

    A couple of things that we would do on the planes were if someone took their boots off to sleep, we would soak them with water and drop them in the doppler well. At altitude they would freeze. If someone fell asleep at their station (repeatedly) while "on-station" they would wake up to a cock or a nut sack dangling in their face. For the flight station, we would do things like cover up gauges so they look like your either about to stall or at 10' AGL. I would hit the engine fire detection test horn or the missle threat test horn.

    One time while transiting back from a Med Det we had the plane (P-3) full of the maintenance personnel from the det returning with us. The squadron Supply Officer was with us. He was a former enlisted who recieved his commission. A black guy originally from Kentucky he was TERRIFIED of flying in general and especially with us. He new too much about our partying and exploits he said and new that we were nuts. Anyway, all passengers that have never flown on a P-3 or been trained on bailing out have to get a brief on how to don a parachute and how to bailout. He was really nervous. A couple of hours into the flight, somewhere over the Atlantic, in the middle of the night we got everyone together while he slept. Everyone put on their parachutes, SV-2s, helmets, etc. and lined up ready to execute a bailout. The PPC rang the command bell and made the PA announcement "EXECUTE BAILOUT, EXECUTE BAILOUT, EXECUTE BAILOUT". I stood right over him holding a parachute. When he heard the command bell and the announcement he shit his pants (not literally). As he looked at me scared shitless, I threw him his parachute and said, "you have 30 seconds put this on or you die!" He fell over trying to get up and put the parachute on and just flayelled like a fish out of water. Nobody could keep a straight face anymore and everyone busted up laughing. He didn't talk to me for about 2 weeks. After that it was a big joke and he laughed about it.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009

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