Good Milwaukee Press

Discussion in 'General' started by Team G, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Team G

    Team G Wake me when its over

    Nice front (print) page in the business section of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal:

    The cool part was seeing the lunch crowd at the local hangout pass it around and talk about bike racing for 10 minutes; "How the f&ck do they lean over so far? Dude's got a knee on the ground, that must get hot....." etc, etc.

    More than half the width of the page with a color picture of Eslick at RA and another on page 3. Nice just to hear the standard Nascar fans jawing about bike racing on a Tuesday.
  2. malik ross

    malik ross Waits for his asskicking.

    all that fancy press won't keep Garth from pissing with the door open.
  3. Sprinky

    Sprinky Well-Known Member

    It was nice seeing that in the JS this morning.
  4. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Sorry about that. Next time I'll use the kitchen sink
  5. malik ross

    malik ross Waits for his asskicking.

    SWEET! I'll leave some dishes for you to rinse off. :crackup:

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