Alcohol...half a fifth a day.

Discussion in 'General' started by sdg, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. sdg

    sdg *

    How bad is drinking about half a fifth a day? long till the liver gives out at this rate?
  2. Mblashfield

    Mblashfield Well-Known Member

    About a week.........
  3. sdg

    sdg *

    naw- been doing it longer than that.
  4. TRK

    TRK Well-Known Member

    kinda like a 12 pack a beer a day.
  5. Chip

    Chip Registered

    Thats strong...
  6. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Careful, you could bleed out from a paper cut.
  7. beechkingd

    beechkingd Well-Known Member

    But you won't pop a freeze plug in the winter.
  8. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    What's up with the other half? Tired?
  9. Chip

    Chip Registered

  10. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Do you weigh 300lbs?
  11. MrWheeler

    MrWheeler Well-Known Member

    Everyone is different.

    I've got a friend probably pushing up to a 750ml/day of 80 proof whatever. He's been at that pace for a while and has normal metabolic panels (liver function tests).

    Chronic liver failure is right up there with dying in a fire, as far as I'm concerned.
  12. sdg

    sdg *


  13. atspeed

    atspeed Praying Member

    Although you may think your body can handle it, it has some long term effects.

    From 25-30 years ago, I'm now on a blood draw about every other month to monitor function.

    I won't be one of those to promote teatotalling, but I can attest to the result of the excess.

    Not everyone outlives their stupid years.(I shouldn't have) Those that do have the experience to share with the next set of up and comers.
  14. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    190lbs and half a bottle a day?

    I have a better rule of thumb about this stuff. If you have to ask the question, it may be a problem.
  15. snowbizx

    snowbizx Well-Known Member

    it's called college. i say 4 years ur still fine. (4.5 for me ;))
  16. Chip

    Chip Registered

    5.5 :up:
  17. sdg

    sdg *

    That's actually what I was thinking. Need to decide how motivated I am to make a change.
  18. tawzx12r

    tawzx12r Influencer to none

    While that's a great deal for someone that only drinks once a month or so.... that's really just a good "buzz" for the pro drinker.

    The typical drinking guy can pound down a 12 pack or 1/2 a fifth of whiskey in an afternoon .{or length of a Nascar race} with no problem. And still make it to work the next day.

    What that does to your body is a different story.

    I'd say that depends on your metabolism. If you work hard and "burn" it off your likely to respond better.

    If your a couch potato...... your going to get fat.....and have complications.

    Somebody buy me a beer.......:beer:
  19. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    are you trying to impress people with your drinking or do you just not give a f@¢¶ about yourself?
  20. Chip

    Chip Registered

    I used to be able to do that stupid shit....but I would die these days....

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