Clubman Legal??

Discussion in 'General' started by Spicoli, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. Spicoli

    Spicoli Cannoli Owned

    I haven't seen one of these threads in a while, so I figured what the hey? :D

  2. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    Is that Mikes new bike?
  3. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Nope. That tank looks modified, so into SB you go.
  4. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Did anyone noticed the lock!
  5. Spicoli

    Spicoli Cannoli Owned

    :D The great thing about this bike is, that you don't have to make sure and hit the head before you go out for a ride. :up:
  6. Yeah well don't be knockin it...cuz when I come flyin by your EX Superbike...with one of me wheels in the air going thru the'll want one too.:crackup:
  7. Mr. Vargas

    Mr. Vargas Science Teacher

    Please, do you even know how to ride a motorcycle? I mean really.
  8. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    You need some safety wire on that tank, though. Wouldn't want anything sloshing onto the track.
  9. Mr. Vargas

    Mr. Vargas Science Teacher

    Saran wrap the top, with a hole in the middle should do the trick.
  10. Well just don't try to follow to closely...cuz if I hear ya knockin on the door, your gonna get a shitty suprise.:crackup:
  11. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Yeah, but did you wash first?

  12. Well as you know now from the other post...I have the Hand Sanitizer 3000 built in.
  13. Spicoli

    Spicoli Cannoli Owned

    I'd be willing to bet that he could run circles around you.
  14. I don't know...I don't think I'm even in Dr. Vargus's class, but today I am!:up:
  15. OldSlowGuy

    OldSlowGuy Unregistered User

    Let it flow!
  16. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    Watch for the black flag with that thing. I hear they piss stuff all over the track!

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