Corner workers on Drugs or....

Discussion in 'WERA National Endurance Series' started by Justin Garvin, Oct 16, 2006.

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  1. Umbrella girl #1

    Umbrella girl #1 Well-Known Member

    I think we need to make some of these people that think they are the
    experts in these fields and think they can do things bigger and better need
    to put their money where thier mouth is. Why don't you work these corners
    and see what you can do to make things more wonderful.. But you mouth
    where your expertise is.... :moon:
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I've seen CW's smoke pot at night, racers too, seen many many more of both stupid drunk at night. Won't tolerate anyone doing either during the race day (not a big fan of hungover workers or riders either but I can deal with it).
  3. slidewayzBLAKE

    slidewayzBLAKE I do the doubles

    I would like to CW (could use the cash) but I would watch the racing instead of my corner so It would not be a good choice for the saftey factor

    this thread has gone way to far

  4. tgold

    tgold Well-Known Member

    This is why I don't race in WERA anymore. When a race official reacts to a post by using curse words to make his point, it projects an imperious attitude.
    It also indicates a lack of ability to defend one's position and make one's point logically.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Hate to tell you this but using words that people understand helps to make a point much quicker. In this case I didn't have a position that needed defending and if you can find the illogic please feel free to point it out.
  6. tgold

    tgold Well-Known Member

    First, Beginning a reply with "Hate to tell you this" illustrates my point about attitude. You're assuming that you know better than I do about how do communicate effectively with people.
    Second, using foul language is an emotional response, not a logical one.
    Third, If you had no position to defend, then why did you respond at all?

    Responding to someone with cursing only serves to alienate people. You are involved in providing a service to customers and when someone like myself sees an attempt to intimidate and abuse your customers, I'm not likely to become a paying customer for your service.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Of course I'm assuming that. Read your post, how could I read that and not feel superior to you? You really expect to come here, make a pitiful attempt to slam me and WERA in your first post and get respect for it?

    If you truly believe the words hell and shit to be foul then you need to get out of whatever box you're holed up in and actually speak to some humans. The words I chose got my point across very effectively, you understood it after all.

    Overuse of the language doesn't prove a point or show a more logical thought pattern, all it does is show you have a large vocabulary - I have no need to prove that to anyone even if you feel you do. I prefer a much more succinct approach most of the time. I can be as verbose as anyone trying to show off or I can say what I mean. Why bother wasting all those words when a simple "you're a moron" gets the point across?

    Setting out facts and correcting falsehoods is not "defending a position". Defending WERA's reputation yes, defnding our workers who did their job yes, but a position? You're trying too hard.

    So anyway, according to you good customer service would have been ignoring this thread, not setting people straight and allowing customers to believe we have stoned incompetent corner workers. Interesting but I don't see that as good public relations. But hey, I also don't use the word imperious on a daily basis either.

    Now as for you in particular, as I've told others, please by all means spend your hard earned money elsewhere. We have enough customers that like WERA and appreciate how we run this business. We do not need those who feel we should cater to them.

    BTW - welcome to the board.
  8. svstinker

    svstinker Well-Known Member

    That's some funny sh@t. I'd like to know where your gentlemens race org exists? On the moon.

    You can always depend on the occasional wack job stopping by the BBS. One can never laugh to loudly or to often.:rock:
  9. vcr12 pit crew

    vcr12 pit crew Well-Known Member

    why can't we all just get along?///:clap: :clap: :beer: :Pop:
  10. Faynisha

    Faynisha Well-Known Member

    Hey Sean. Next year you bring the alcohol I'll bring the drugs and let the racers bring the INEXPERIENCED corner workers. We'll just sit back drink and do drugs and watch the cluster f***. Since the corner workers are so clueless let the racers be responsible for making sure the corners are manned. A headache from a hangover will be much more fun than the stress headache I have getting trained experienced workers to the track.

    P.S. Let's ask Taylor Knapp what he thinks of the corner workers!!
  11. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    Ok Iv had enough!Pepole who never work the corner dont know what a THANKLESS job it it!We take for granted that they work for almost nothing and risk there lifes for us!If we crash abd they make a mistake for what ever reason,THEY are still THERE for US!Sorry if they make a mistake or make a wrong jugement call!They are not perfect,but they try!!!! No how many take a weekend off to cornerwork? Theres always room to improve things but then again we shouldnt crash!I for one always wave and thank them! Hell i want to be one the track,not on the sides! Iv seen it all,and things always happen,some good some bad.Hell i dont even know how to make it better,But i sure am glad they want to be out there! If we helped the workers out as much as we put into making our bikes faster or making us better riders wed be way safer and Sean would be smiling!Man it gets hot and boring out there! Try it sometimes!Sorry people get hurt doing this but it beats the hell out of the street!Now Sean you need to bring WERA back to TX!LOL!

    Thanks to all ther corner worker!

    Steven VFR#52
  12. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Wow, 2 posts and he's here to preach the gentleman's creed to a bunch of hooligans.

    Must be a relative of Sean Jordan..:D
  13. Glenn Foster

    Glenn Foster Well-Known Member

    What did WERA do to the CWs and racers that were witnessed smoking pot at the track?
  14. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Oh God, now the thread is going to take a whole nother turn.
  15. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

    Unless they were actually stoned while bikes were on the track, who gives a shit?
  16. slidewayzBLAKE

    slidewayzBLAKE I do the doubles

    The law:up:
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It was after hours, they were on their own time and I did the same thing I do to the the drunk racers and CW's. Nothing.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, and if they'd been caught I'd have waved as they got hauled away.
  19. tgold

    tgold Well-Known Member

    Yeah, only 2 posts and 25 years in and around motorcycle racing. I'm sorry I thought people might want to be treated better. I'm done with this thread.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    People who act better are indeed treated better. Pretty slick setup we have here huh - that whole treat people the way you'd like to be treated. It's revolutionary I tell ya!

    I'm curious, have you been at a track since Eric folded GLRRA?
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