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The Dungeon Rules - read first

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by HPPT, Jan 30, 2011.

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  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    The forum to discuss politics, religion and other social issues that tend to be discussed by politicians and religious folk. Do not bother people in the other forums with your personal convictions. Keep them here, or take them elsewhere altogether.

    A dumpster for all random threads you know better than to start in the general forum. Do not try to use this space for your random porn or video dumps. You will be banned. Feel free to post video links that are relevant to the topics being discussed here but choose wisely. When in doubt, just don't.

    Discussions in here will be contentious by nature but you are required to keep things civil, and show some respect for other members' personal convictions. If you're incapable of making your point without resorting to insulting others, you will be banned.

    Deliberately offensive members, racist BS, homophobia and other assorted bigoted attitudes are not welcome. You have plenty of other places on the Internet to congregate with like-minded people.

    Making physical threats because you are no match for the people you are attempting to argue with will also result in a ban. Furthermore, other members will not be disciplined for picking the scabs off your wounds. In fact, embarrassing you will become the national sport for the day.

    Whining to the moderators is frowned upon. You are not required to participate in these discussions, you're not even invited. You are here because you choose to be, and you are free to leave any time you wish. So please make sure you have a bulletproof case before you come whining about others.

    You will not be owed an explanation for a ban. You can choose to appeal at [email protected]
    Trying to get around a ban with a different screen name will only result in a longer or permanent ban.
    R Acree likes this.
  2. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Quick note: you will start noticing that some of your threads disappear with no explanation. There is no need for two general forums.
    R Acree likes this.
  3. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Looks like some of you guys missed this the first time around.
    R Acree likes this.
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