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Yo! Big Ronny

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by The H-man, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. The H-man

    The H-man Go Navy!

    Sauce will be over here at the H's lair this Sunday. We're gonna lay the ground work for my January/February weekend trip to you guys. We'll start planning our assault on the SE region and some fun endurance race ideas at Nelson :up:

    PM me your e-mail addy and the 3 of us keep our plot on the down low. War, in.
  2. slaw0002

    slaw0002 Not as fat !!!!!!!

    What are you ladies up 2
  3. The H-man

    The H-man Go Navy!

    Join us Slaw. Become one of us.

    Get a V7MW bike first though. You KNOW you want one.

    Resistance is futile.
  4. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    Let me guess.........you girls are gonna brush each others hair, have a pillow fight and talk about all the boys down South.


    Actually.........I've been talking with a couple of my fellow V7mw Kawi brothers about a V7mw endurance bike. Maybe it would be more fun if we got a bunch of V7mw endurance teams to meet up at GNF next year. Just do one race in your region and then we can meet up at the end of the year.

    Whatcha boys think..........V7mw endurance racing?

  5. The H-man

    The H-man Go Navy!

    Hmmm... not such a bad idea. Your Yankee roots are showing :D

    We were (well... me actually) thinking of using my SV as we wouldn't want to wear down our V7 machines before the '07 GNF.

    As you can tell, those other two aren't on the BBS too often. They must not be allowed on the computer w/o adult supervision. When they eventually do, they can chime in.
  6. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    Yankee? Whatcha tryin to say...............
  7. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    They can't fight with the pillows, they are do busy biting them, nttatwwt.

    I was given my bike after we finished 3rd in the nation in heavyweight SS endurance for 2002. We rode that poor F3 in all the rounds in the SE. It was a great endurance bike. I then raced that motor until earlier this year, and it still starts every time.

    What I'm saying is, its been done, and done well, by me and soem of my cronies. Coem up with an original idea sometime.
  8. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    What have you done for me lately...........still living in the glory days of yesterday ehhh.
  9. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I recieved a a bike to race for years without buying it from that deal. I think it's worth mentioning. When was the last time someone gave you a bike to race?
  10. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    This year...............and next year as a matter of fact...........I'm a stud like you too.

    Kawi has factory racers too...............even slow fat old ones like me.

  11. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Who's bike? And don't say that endurance thing where you go hurt that poor little bike. Runnin around a go cart track lookin like you got aweed eater stuck in your butt. Endurance is different.
  12. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    I didn't hurt any poor little bike...........and don't be lookin at my butt.......

    I understand endurance is different..................I haven't done it yet because I have an idea of how much time and money it will take..........besides I like chasing you around the track.
  13. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Now you sound like Kenny. Who's lookin' at whose butt?
  14. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    What are you talking about............I haven't seen you all season.........and when I did go by you I forgot to wave, cuz I didn't even realize it was you.

  15. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    That's because you only got up to me once this year. I was that red blur you saw disappearing into turn one everywhere else.

    Now if I can just figure out how to get around Road A at better than mini laptimes.
  16. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    No doubt you have rocked into turn one.........mechanical issues have plagued me this year that effected my starts..........but once I get rolling, I'm running after ya.

    I'll give ya a run for your money..........always fun to play.........run rabbit run, I'm not afraid of some big turd....... stinkboy.
  17. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Stinkboy? Don't worry, tomorrow is Sunday. I'll shower then.

    I did miss our side by side turn one adventures from last year.
  18. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    Yea.............I'm tired of looking at mylaps to see how much I'm giving up on the first lap. I got all winter to find some magik for black beauty.

  19. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Just add some red to it, that'll help
  20. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy


    Oh He!! no....


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