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WTB: 2004 r6 brake light and rearsets

Discussion in 'Wanted to buy or trade' started by EngineNoO9, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    Looking for a stock brake light or maybe an integrated light if you have one. Wife's integrated one has a few LEDs that are out. Need to replace.

    Also looking for rearsets for it. Stock is preferred. Would consider aftermarket.
  2. John Hancock

    John Hancock Well-Known Member

    ive got some stock ones, but i believe one of them might be bent from the original owner lowsiding the bike when it was stock. I will check when i get home and let you know what the condition is if you are interested
  3. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    Wife's bike has stocker ones but the rest brake lever is bent and so is the shifter. So that's mostly what I need.
  4. John Hancock

    John Hancock Well-Known Member

    Ok. I'll let you know in about an hour what condition they are in
  5. John Hancock

    John Hancock Well-Known Member

    Hey man looks like both rearsets and both the shifter lever and brake lever are straight and good to go. Let me know if you want some pics and I'll send them. You can text or call

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