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Why Aren’t You Speaking English?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by kmfegan, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. kmfegan

    kmfegan Well-Known Member

  2. kanatuna

    kanatuna You can't polish a turd..

    Yea I would say....after 23 years and in opposition to a bill....he sure as shit should be speaking in English.
  3. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    :stupid: Truth.
  4. gixxercurt

    gixxercurt Curtis Murray

    that video had a whole lot of win in it :up:
  5. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    I like how one commenter said that the USA has No Official language to side with the people, and I use that term loosely that don't bother to learn english, yet, how often do you hear people speaking Swedish, German, Polish, ect, ect..?

    It's funny how a long time ago immigrants from non english speaking countries made it a point to learn english to better themselves, Then again when retailers and fastfood places offer signage and menus in spanish, and the roach coach workers speak spanish, why would they want, or have a need to learn english..?

    Sometimes, Texas just rawks..:D
  6. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    I loved the senseless babble that Ms. Alvarado provided in defense of the non English speaking man. This wasn't a singular incident where the man just preferred speaking his native tongue but more of a standard that has occurred in our nation over the course of the past 40 yrs of liberal policy. Instead of mandating bi-lingual personnel in all aspects of government offices and schools how about mandating that immigrants MUST learn OUR native language?

    IMHO, it's gotta be frustrating for every other non Spanish nation who immigrates here who doesn't receive that same courtesy when they visit a government office and they're completely clueless on getting their needs taken care of.

    In my life time, I'd love to see if our country will adopt the English language as our national language before it swings back the other way. :D
  7. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

  8. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    I wonder how they'd ( the NON English speakers) do living in France..? :D
  9. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan My 13 year old is faster than your President

    When I was in the Air Force I did a year long tour in Korea. I was in THEIR Country and a tourist in my off duty time. I did NOT expect them to speak MY language..I felt it was polite on my part to try to be polite with them in THEIR language.

    You know what?

    When I tried to speak Korean as best as I could...they tried as best as they could to communicate with me in English.

    We as a Nation were founded by English speakers..law or not..it is what it is. We as a Nation need a common medium or format of written and oral communication so we can understand each other. We were founded and settled by English speakers.


    Why does there have to be legislation enacted to make it official? Last time I looked at the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and I live in the DC area..so I've actually been to the Archives to SEE these original documents...they're in ENGLISH.

    Not German (my immigrant family's Native tongue)
    Not Japanese
    Not Vietnamese
    Not French
    Not Spanish
    Not Russian
    Not Chinese.

    And so on..And so on..And so on..

    To come here and want to live in this country, benefit from all it has and make a better life within its borders for you and your family, but not concede that you have to give us just a little by just TRYING to take on the task of learning to communicate with other people here is both arrogant and ignorant to me.

    OH..and the jackass in the video speaking Spanish after living in America for 23 years was just showing his ignorance and trying to make an point against the bill that was the point of his testimony.
  10. earacing

    earacing Race Dad

    All the paperwork from my kids' school here in LA comes home in English and Spanish. Now, if we are going to be multi-lingual, shouldn't it also come in all those other languages? I mean my wife is a legal (documented?) immigrant who will be a citizen soon, and she feels discriminated against. Actually, she doesn't care, but my point is that it should all just be in English because we can't cater to every other language.

    We are just enabling lazy behavior by providing everything in Spanish. If a private business wants to do that to earn customers, that's fine. But our tax dollars should not go to help people who can't be bothered to learn the language. I lived overseas for many years and did all my business in the native language.
  11. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    In South Florida, you also encounter French in some public buildings and documentation. There was a time when the documentation going home was in English only. I think my brother and I may have taken a few liberties in the translation we provided our parents.

    I mostly support learning English. I am glad that I grew up in Miami and not out west. I believe that as well intended as some may have been in drafting laws enabling schooling in Spanish, they failed to account the disservice that was forthcoming to those students.

    I have always acknowledged English as the language of this Country; it is my primary tongue. I always exercise caution when speaking spanglish (I rarely speak Spanish fully in any conversation).

    With that said, I have no objection whatsoever to documentation in secondary languages as long as its printing is not federally funded. It is my opinion that revenue collected at city, county, state is free to be spent in a manner that meets the needs of the population, voters, tax payers.

    I also believe that all testing should be conducted in English. Study material may be printed in native language.
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Carlos, it would have been much funnier if you'd posted that in Spanish. :crackup:
  13. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I missed that boat.:D
  14. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

  15. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

    I sent the Senator an email thanking him for having the balls to say what he did. Its refreshing to see someone stand up for what it right.
    No mention if the immigrant was even here legally after all that time either...my guess is no.
  16. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    What is your guess based on? :confused:
  17. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    What the hell do you think it's based on? His good judgement? His warm and loving acceptance of all people?
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I was going to guess his infallible police instinct. But those are good. :D
  19. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Germany was the same way in the late 1980's. You had to try.
  20. svtinker

    svtinker Well-Known Member

    Discrimination is learned you were not born with it.:tut:

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