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Who Writes Insurance Policies for Racers??

Discussion in 'General' started by buzzoman, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. buzzoman

    buzzoman Well-Known Member

    Do any of you racers out there have a recommendation on what company i should talk to to get insurance that will cover me in event of an unfortunate incident on the track?



    Everyone have a great 2008 season...
  2. myNAMEisMUDD

    myNAMEisMUDD i like the sound of that

  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    See that ad at the top of the BBS? No, not the speedwerks one or the one for yoyodyne. The red and black one that says Ridersurance.com? That's called a banner ad and if you click it (like all good BBSer should) it will take you to Brandon Parrish's website.

    Now click the damn ad! NOW!
  4. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    BCBS just asks if you race cars. they've always covered my racing crashes
  5. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    Brandon Parrish @ ridersurance.com

    Ive heard good things about him and I will probably be heading there when I graduate college..........
  6. tim503

    tim503 Well-Known Member

    Ya know, this subject made me think of something I was wondering about a while back. Does anyone offer "per event" coverage to riders/racers? I mean directly? If not, it seems like it might be something someone in the insurance business could make some money on. Sorta like the stuff you can get at the airport before getting on a flight... but for medical as well as life.

    Has that ever been done?
  7. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    I have BCBS Personal Choice. They covered all my costs from my last two crashes that required medical attention. Read your present policy. My insurer only specifically excludes hang gliding, rock climbing and one other (I forget) but motorcycle racing was NOT excluded. Wen they call me for information, I tell them that I crashed in a sanctioned race, and they pay. When I crashed in a track day, they paid, too. (Maybe they want me to race more, since I also have colon cancer, it might get them out from under my medical bils if I get wasted on the track.) Personal Choice is costly, but their coverage is never questioned at any hospital or doctor.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2007
  8. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    damn thats strange, no hang gliding or rock climbing??

    what do they classify as rock climbing??

    I never even thought of that type of stuff not being covered
  9. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    WERA (or the track they race at) does offer a per event medical insurance that is included in your fees...........usually like 10-15k I think?? It kicks in if your medical insurance dries out

    Not a lot of money if something really unfortunate happens but much better than nothing, I dont think any insurance company would get into this because the cost would probably outweigh the income if one rider got into something bad especially since most riders have medical insurance that covers them while racing (or they should)
  10. tim503

    tim503 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I did know about the stuff provided through WERA, which is a good thing, but I was wondering if any company had ever offered similar "per event" insurance directly to riders? It seems like it would be a good thing for riders who's normal insurance (through work) excludes motorcycle racing. That way, riders could just buy it each time they raced or did a track day. Naturally, for folks who run the whole series and/or do loads of track days, etc, it'd probably be easier for them to just go ahead and get a regular policy. I just think it might be a good thing for people who don't have time to do it regularly, etc. Just a thought.
  11. bp@RiderSurance.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the plugs guys. Through my site Ridersurance.com I only work with insurance companies that do not descriminate and do not exclude racing, riding, and track days. If you do have a policy through work that does not cover racing you could get a low cost high deductible plan through me to have as a secondary policy, or just cancel the one at work if you pay the cost of it. (you can allways get back in the group policy at open enrollment time or sooner depending on which carrier it is and the way its set up)

    Also an outline of the WERA policy can be found on my site here
    From first hand experience the company HSRI who handles the claims are not very fun to deal with. I will keep you posted, I filed my claim 11-4-07 and it is still in the works.

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