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Discussion in 'Tech' started by G Dawg, May 2, 2004.

  1. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    DO NOT USE J&E 2MM Pistons unless you use hd rods. 2] 03 engines built to exact specs, but different builders= same results!!!! Snapped small rod ends.
  2. kmfegan

    kmfegan Well-Known Member

    They had alot of problems on their earlier production parts with the valve reliefs being incorrectly machined.
  3. HFD1Motorsports

    HFD1Motorsports BIKE TUNA

    Is that why you did not run the bike I dynoed?? sorry to hear that JE is a dealer of mine and bet they would like to know what is up.Give them a call and talk to the tech guy Brian Weaver 714-894-6650 ext. 218 they are real sharp and may just have a answer that will help you in your Quest. They fixed a issue I had with R6 problems.
  4. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    Huey is going to call them.It's nice that the pistons are listed as direct drop ins!
  5. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    I know this is off topic, but why are you superbiking endurance bikes? What is the benefit?
  6. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    You don't have to ride as long.:Poke: :D
  7. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    :D You so funny Sippeecup.
  8. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    When you have former AMA pros,racing a superbike with Olhin's Superbike front end, along with superbike engine,just trying to keep the playing field even.Not really that much of a superbike engine,just 2mm over for the torque factor,both engines had very mild porting,with adjustable cam sprockets.Maybe we should take a poll for next season, and drop the SB for SS rules.
  9. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    That doesn't make sense. What former AMA guys are racing in LSB? Also, is that little bit of extra HP gonna make you that much faster so it is worth sacrificing reliability?

    Not trying to flame, just trying to understand.
  10. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    What team was winning the class? By going 2mm over, on a properly built engine should not cause a reliabilty problem.There is a problem with the product,that has caused not only me but several other builders thousands of dollars.Last year our endurance bike was built to the hilt, with crank work,wide open porting,big cams,but stock bore, guess what no problems.
    Next engines will be stock.By the way thank you and Michael for loaning us your wheels
  11. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    Sorry, didn't realize they were ex pro's.

    I knew the 03's were having problems. Just didn't know if it was a build issue.
  12. RichDesmond

    RichDesmond Well-Known Member

    Paige, if the motor's built correctly, i.e. with the right parts and assembled by someone who knows what they're doing, an 82-85hp SV should last an endurance season with no more than a top end freshening. In the right hands that extra power can make the difference.
  13. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    Thanks, Rich. Do you endurance race? If so, what organization? Do you see alot of superbikes in endurance? By superbike, I mean motor work. I figured in the superbike classes most people entered those just so they could get a bigger tank and quick change equipment, not necessarily so they could do motorwork.
  14. blueduc37

    blueduc37 Well-Known Member

    As a next year endurance hopeful, you'd get my vote for SS rules.
  15. etemplet

    etemplet Well-Known Member

    Stop all this, you guys are making me horney to ride my bike. :D

    The poor little thing has been sitting since Road Atlanta. Boff of em!

  16. RichDesmond

    RichDesmond Well-Known Member

    The CMRA's endurance series. Don't know the percentages, but at least a few of the SV's have had some mild motor work.
  17. Huey130

    Huey130 Chief wrench thrower

    I built the latest hand grenade and would like to say the following (all very randomly... just spouting):

    Martin's bike (also built) had more HP than this bike and stayed together a full season. It was the highest HP SV I've personally built. Other SV's I built last year with lower HP all stayed together (except for Michael's but that was a straight swap out so I think that motor had issue's before).
    Martin's compression was higher than stock but no where near as high as what the JE's make.
    I wasn't planning on "building" the 03. Just really mild stuff... Until I saw Ball's Suzuki at Jennings and knew we'd need more!
    Even then I thought we'd be really, really safe with just a 2mm overbore... It's not like it was gonna have flat slides, nor head / cylinder decking or anything like that. All this bike was was: 2mm overbore, valve's reseated, ports slightly polished (but no bigger), and that's it.
    Hell it had stock cam gears (instead of the adjustable ones) after I found out the stockers were dead on with the OEM cam timing numbers.
    I used the JE supplied head gasket instead of a thinner stock one (and certainly instead of a even thinner modified one).
    82 HP and less all ways seemed like the magic number for pre-02s. When I heard that number from the dyno I was really pleased and thought we had THE bike.
    There's been other higher HP bikes that have stayed together longer than break-in, dynoing and 1 practise session + 5 minutes.
    I don't remember any of the 02's blowing up by a simple small end break. It was usually a blown valve to a connecting rod break or a crank... Never just a con rod failure.

    That's all I can think of right now....
  18. Huey130

    Huey130 Chief wrench thrower

    A few stockers have popped also...
  19. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Huey, are you saying you were at 82hp with the JE pistons?

  20. Mblashfield

    Mblashfield Well-Known Member

    most rods break at the small end. are both rods breaking?
    did you balance everything? give us more details.

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