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Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by weber#465, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    Wrong. The sheep outnumber the shepherds. No one thinks for themselves and they just accept whatever is put in front of them on both sides. Until we destroy the two party system and make one that represents the people we will continue to be fucked. The system is broken and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
  2. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    of course it is! I distinctly remember having to follow the 1984 election. Basically a years project. Now the cycle is easily double that... and probably far easier to reach people via social media outlets vs the 3 channel television format combined with news print.
    We don't need 2 years of media barage to decide on our next President... unless its a marketing tactic to let you become "energized" in some way. Also the 100 million dollar campaign budgets are disturbing.
  3. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    100 million?? I thought i heard HR Clinton spent a billion
  4. wmhjr

    wmhjr Well-Known Member

    I think you just made my point. "The sheep outnumber the shepherds"

    You have a right to your opinion. Yours is that we need to "destroy the two party system". OK, how exactly? Or more to the point - how do you "rebuild the system" when you are outnumbered by people who don't agree with you? You end up giving more power to the big government fanatics. To the people who promise to give more "free shit" to them.

    Everybody has their opinion and somebody to blame. That's about the only thing people agree with at this point. The whole damn thing is a mess and IMHO the "tear it all down" mentality has only made it worse. It's utter arrogance to believe that a minority of people can tear down and rebuild the entire system the way they want. Actually, that's called fascism. If you actually need people to vote on it like we do, I do not in the slightest believe it's remotely possible. Our entire government is built on the idea of incremental change. It's actually built expressly to prevent "revolutionary" change.
  5. weber#465

    weber#465 mud fight

  6. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    If voting would change anything, they wouldn’t allow it
    MachineR1 likes this.
  7. weber#465

    weber#465 mud fight

  8. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday


    Get out and vote for sure. But meh. Cali is a sinking liberal ship. It keeps taking on water while the people that are scooping it out are leaving. Don’t believe me? I know two that just moved here from there, wanna guess the reasons?
    WERA 904 likes this.
  9. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    The problem is, the assholes try to turn their new locale into the same shithole.
    XFBO likes this.

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