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Discussion in 'General' started by Dragginass, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. aftriathlete

    aftriathlete Well-Known Member

    Yikes. Doc already scheduled me for a follow-up in early May to provide a “sample” for testing. Can’t wait for that, jerking it in a military clinic bathroom, I’m sure it will be really welcoming. Probably shouldn’t expect anything like a fertility clinic where they would provide “inspirational materials” or anything of that sort.
  2. sdg

    sdg *

    You can do it offsite, there is a time limit. Your GF or whatever can help but double check what can contaminate the test
    aftriathlete likes this.
  3. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Oddly enough, my wife was willing to go along and slap the monkey. It was not bad.

    But a couple of years later, life found a way. Oddly, my boy has quite dark skin. I call him The Gringo.
    aftriathlete likes this.
  4. aftriathlete

    aftriathlete Well-Known Member

    Man, that’s a lot of trouble to go through for it to not work. Congrats?

    Attached Files:

  5. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Was it his?
  7. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I've read varying statistics about the percentage of dads who think that they are dads but who aren't really dads. It is usually in the double digits.
  8. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    Just take an iPod with earphones filled with jazz tunes. :D
  9. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    bom chicka wow wow
  10. Chango

    Chango Something clever!

    Yes. The kid looks exactly like him, so it is either his or his dad's.
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Did they name it Houdini?
    sdg likes this.
  12. aftriathlete

    aftriathlete Well-Known Member

    96 hours post procedure now. I definitely made it out in my head to be way worse than it has been, both the procedure and the days immediately after. Haven't needed a single narcotic since the one I took for the procedure, and I haven't even needed naproxen in the last day and a half. If it makes any difference my doc used the no-scalpel method, I think that's becoming the way to do it nowadays. I feel like I could go to the gym and work out today, but I'm going to give it at least a full week before I ease back into the gym. That's only 2 more days. Even then I'm planning to take it really slow to try to avoid doing something stupid. A buddy of mine out here said it was about a month for him to get back to normal, and he had it done by the same doc and is a fitness junkie like I am.
  13. lopitt85

    lopitt85 Well-Known Member

    DONT DO IT! wait another 7 days. It aint worth the risk. I'm in the medical field and got eyes on this guys nutsack that did too much too early. It was scary and I wish every person getting a vasectomy could see it. I made sure to follow my doctor's guidance exactly after I saw it.
    aftriathlete likes this.
  14. aftriathlete

    aftriathlete Well-Known Member

    Ah yeah, I went back and read your nuts the size of grapefruits post. Guess I’ll slow roll it. The doc here said a week of nothing and taking it easy, then ease back into stuff after that. You’re probably right that it’s wise to err on the conservative side though. And “easing” should be just that. No heavy back squats or running for probably a month I’m thinking.
  15. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Pfff. You're an iron man! Get back to picking up heavy shit soldier. You eat nuts like that for breakfast....or something like that.
    aftriathlete likes this.
  16. aftriathlete

    aftriathlete Well-Known Member

    All that Ironman triathlon stuff is in a past life, I’m just trying to delay the slow slide to middle age and keep up with the young guys in my career field for a little while longer! The vasectomy is somewhat along the same lines, just trying to keep up with my wife who I have 6 years on without adding any more ponies to the stable.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  17. aftriathlete

    aftriathlete Well-Known Member

    8 days post-procedure now. I think I'm out of the woods for anything serious, but that's not to say I'm back to normal. I can function and I'm up living life, that's not the problem. The problem is the lingering, 24-hour a day achiness in my sack. Like a 2 or 3 out of 10 kind of pain, but always there, like my 3 yo threw a tennis ball and caught me right in the nut. So a soft-ish ball, thrown not very fast, but still, it leaves that lingering dull ache after. That, for the last several days straight. I'm not worrying about anything yet, I read plenty of things online about some people saying it's really 2 weeks before you're feeling back to normal, and some people said it took a month. So I'm probably still within the standard deviation for how long it normally takes dudes to bounce back and get back to business as usual.
    jrsamples likes this.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It's good to be a standard deviant.
    aftriathlete likes this.
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Wouldn’t he be a modified deviant now?
    aftriathlete likes this.
  20. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Good call. I'm still technically in the stock category. The receptor is not.

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