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The new Metallica album

Discussion in 'General' started by Metalhead, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    I listened to it the other day but found it incredibly lite. Plus I'm not digging their new look...

    ToofPic likes this.
  2. socalrider

    socalrider pathetic and rude

    the only songs from load that i have, uh, acquired in my library are outlaw torn, bleeding me, and hero of the day.
  3. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    when a friend posted hardwired on FB, i found it lame, weak soft, it lacked a kick...

    12x hearing it i really dig it and hear things in it i haven't heard before.

    and spit out the bone is my go-to song for the morning HI- workout.
  4. I've listened to the album 3 times (2 times willingly and 1 time in someone elses truck) and I seriously hate it. Now if you want to talk about the new Rolling Stones album, it's pretty good and bluesy. I'm waiting for one of you to start saying that you like the newest Guns N' Roses album and that's when the firebombing begins.
  5. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Last year in the UK, albums outsold all digital music sales. It's back!
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Oh, that's a materpiece alright, something like 15 years and over $13 Million in production costs. Can you name a single song off it? :D
  7. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member


    Top 10 Most Overated Bands of All Time

    This page exposes the worlds most overrated bands. Please take careful note of understanding that solo performers such as Justin Bieber are not members of bands. But to find more on someone like Beiber, you might later wanna check out "Violence against women" or "Dude! Where's my career?"

    And now, we let you know that we couldn't be bothered making a top 100, or even 50, hell... even 25 was pushing our literacy capabilities! So here is the finalists of our top 10 most overrated bands/groups of all time.

    10 - Metallica

    Hold back the waterworks Metallica fans, because you know deep down they truly do belong on this list. This group started out in the mid 1980's, claiming to be a garage metal band that said to hell with guitar solos. Guitarist and vocalist of the band, Cowardly Lion James Hetfeild even fired original lead guitarist Dave Mustane because he kept trying to break out a solo during the songs. So Mustane left and formed Megadeath aka: Metallica-Lite.

    Metallica soon began the first of many sell-out's of their career. The first time here was after releasing 3 garage metal albums that metal fans wet their underpants in more ways than one over, only to decide to take on a new direction. They where hungry for more, hungry for more respect, and well, they where just plain old hungry in general. Those original albums weren't generating enough to live and eat on. The band had always claimed they would never sell out and go mainstream, but when you have a family of 4 and multiple knocked up groupies needing alimony, is it any wonder the band was forced to sell-out and say, "To hell with fans, they ain't paying our mortgages, lets play something catchy rather than playing Black Sabbath songs sped up greatly." And so came the birth of the first commercially played album from the group.

    "The Black Album" released in 1991 is Metallica's best album, in-fact, you could say it's Metallica's only album. An album is regarded to be wall to wall with great songs from start to finish, and contain little to no filler-tracks at all. Unlike their previous so called "glory days" albums Metallica's die-hard fags fans talk about is supposedly the groups best work, yet no one seems to be able to find more than 1 or 2 tracks on each of those albums that is any good and worthy of calling a hit song. Three at the most! But record sales clearly show that "The Black" album is clearly the winner in sales over "Kill 'em All", "Justice for All" and "Ride the Lightning 'n All" and their tribute to The Carpenters greatest hits.

    The group then sold out again in the mid 1990's when what is said to be the height of their ego trip got the better of them, and they didn't even need to finish the polishing off of records before releasing them. The follow up album to "Black" in 1995 titled "Load of Shit 'n All" bombed hard and fast in record sales. It wasn't that the songs where not decent, but more that each member of the band seemed to phone in their part of the recording. Reviews spread that too much bass occupied the overall sound, guitars where not sitting well in the tracks and they drowned each other out. It was said it did not help either that a pretty gay looking photo of the band with new short hair, slick haircuts, and 1970's porno mustaches made them look more like the type of guys you would keep your kids 100 feet from, rather than that old look where they looked like, well, someone you wouldn't take your kids within 105 feet of. Kerrang Metal magazine even asked "Are we looking at Metallica, or a Tom Selleck look-a-like convention photo? They should change their name to "Magnumtellica"


    This was the poster to Lars Urlybitch campaign against Napster. The end result was met by people who where not even Metallica fans downloading all their albums, just to piss off Lars!

    Metallica was said to consider themselves to be much better than they where at this point in time, especially drummer & wardrobe malfunction artist Lard Urlbitch, who took it upon himself to promote a little known computer program called "Napster" and make it the #1 thing everyone must have on their computers. Bill Gates however was pleased with the rally against Napster. Gates thought Windows 95 was going to bomb, however when word got out Lars was opposing a program that could download music for free, Windows 98 sales went skyrocketing and Bill Gates could not thank Metallica enough. The popularity boom of Napster only left a sour and bitter Lard Ulrich with crossed arms and sulking looks about having his music stolen. Lardass Alrich decided that Metallica would never record quality music ever again! He stated that if people are just going to download it, they wont be downloading good quality Metallica songs then. For the most part, no matter how hard Lurch cried, Windows 95 users just mocked him and said, "Yeah, great move genius, I don't even like you guys music, but I'll download it anyway, just to watch you sulk at music awards some more!"

    Metallica sat around sulking for a few years that they could not win a battle they could not fight. So they decided to try a new venture for the band in 2003 by trying to reach audiences through a documentary. Little did Metallica expect that this documentary would make them the laughing stock of the metal world. The documentary was released under the title "Some Kind of Monster" the following year, but most fan's who have watched it said they had seen it before in "This is Spinal Tap". So their movie flopped softer than Michael Jackson going from watching Sesame Street to seeing nude pictures of Maggie Thatcher exploring the hairy muff of Hillary Clinton.... with Rosie O'Donnell fingering her own axe wound and licking... anyway, enough. Let's just forget that and move on.

    The documentary was laughed at by critics, fans, and just anyone who saw it. It showed the process of the band receiving therapy to put up with Lars not being over Napster, and wanting to sue everyone around him. The discover they each just need their own personal bubble space and to work on the next album. More therapy was needed when the rest of the band wanted to record something decent again, but in the end, Lars got his way and the result was the release of the terrible album "St Wanker 'N All".

    Metallica now only make money on live tours. They don't bother to release albums anymore, just a cluster fuck of sounds with electric guitars not plugged in, and Lars banging away at pots and pans. Kirk Hammett does however every now and then still prove he is truly an overrated guitarist, proof is revealed when hearing him play his own music, compared to a drunken solo during a live show that he says is supposed to contain a bunch other artists classic riffs, however to most ears, it sounds like the worse version of that particular riff you have ever heard.

    Metallica have come to realize that listening to Lards advice on band direction was a stupid idea. However, if they fired Lard, he would just cross his arms and whinge, probably even diss the rest of the band on Twitter or something. So they just pretend nothing happened, but secretly attempt to join forces with other groups like ex-arch rivals Magadeath, whoever the hell ex-bassist Jason Newstead joined, and begging Ozzy Osbourne to sing for them. Just to keep up with the Joneses.
    JustaNobody and pickled egg like this.
  8. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

  9. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Dude......you're late:moon:
  10. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

  11. theJrod

    theJrod Well-Known Member

    It's horrible.
    Lifelong Metallica fan, but this is absolute garbage. I tried listening to every single song on the new album - they literally all sound the same... nearly the same tempo, same style, same over the hill hetfield nearly losing his voice yelling into the mic. They've tried too hard to "go back to their roots" that they lost their signature melodic metal sound. And where the fuck is hammet? You wouldn't even know he's around...
    crazymofo likes this.
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I hope I'm not pregnant!
  13. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    You're not. You can't get pregnant swallowing.
  14. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    You're not a doctor, why should I believe you?
  15. kjohnson

    kjohnson Axis

    I'm going to use that one.
  16. crazymofo

    crazymofo Then i was like...Braaap!

    new albulm blows donkey nuts!! its so flat and boring.... disapointed i bought it to be honest.
  17. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    spit out my boner,,,so far the most queer of the lars Ulrich queergasm.Damn vaginal ear rape,Every pussy lick on the axe,and girlie lyrics.JUST STOP IT MOTOWLICKUH!!
  18. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    :stupid: Metallica died when Cliff died.

    Whatever this gay ass grunge band does now is not worth my time.
  19. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    I really need to stop posting on ambien! Sure I despise Metallica,or what they've become,but they earned a spot in metal history..History being the key word here.
    Sirius Liquid Metal keeps forcing this album down my ears,and it only makes it worse in my opinion.
  20. I think you should keep posting on ambien and stop posting when you're sober.
    I'm with Stupid, Razr and daveknievel like this.

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