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"The Horrors of Hussein" on the History Channel

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Steve Karson, May 5, 2003.

  1. Steve Karson

    Steve Karson Tcasby is my Bitch !!

    I just watched this program, and I gotta say this was one sick MotherF@#$@#. I have a sick feeling, in the pit of my stomach, after seeing what he did to other Human Beings. I can't imagine, no matter what your veiws are on why we got into this, you couldn't be happy that this modern day Hitler, is out of power. I'm sure it will be repeated many times, as sick as it is, it is a must watch.
  2. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    I watched that also... and I agree. Let there be no doubt, WMD or not, that the Iraq War (battle) was justififed.

    Did anyone watch Rumsfield on Fox this weekend? He was remarkably composed and reflective... regardless of your position on the Iraq deal you have to give the guy credit for a job well done.
  3. Handicapped Racer

    Handicapped Racer Well-Known Member

    Try spending a year over there, beck in the 90's during operation dessert shield and storm :Puke: Ida shot him on sight, the oreder was not to engage the target, although alot fo folks in that region look like him!
  4. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    I saw that too. Pretty soon I expect Due N. to post something like..."I donĀ“t consider myself stupid or anything but the big bad U.S. of A. had no excuse to..........."
  5. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    ....not in the same league as HILTER or STALIN or MILOSEVIC...

    funny how human rights become important to justify to a war...when they clearly never mattered to the US....

    since when has the US paid any attention to Amnesty International....

    If that where the case, we would the shiite out of indonesia...
  6. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    What makes you say that he wasn't in the same league as Hilter, Stalin or Milosevic? Quanity of bodies?

    I also wouldn't say the human rights clearly never mattered to the US. There are numerous cases where it did and does matter, it's just not always the number one thing on the list. (OR second OR third) but I wouldn't say never....
  7. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    body count.... good measuring stick...I'm sure Stalin has them all beat...Hilter not to be outdone.....

    america used the human rights angle when WMD wasn't working...
  8. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    True, I suspect Stalin has them all outdone by a factor of at least 2. I think I heard over 6 million! I can't even image...

    I think people should stop looking for new or more reasons to justify it. He was in violation of the terms of surrender, that in itself is the same as a declaration of war. i.e. he didn't really surrender, he just played the UN like the patsies that they are. Example? He had scuds that he didn't have... May not be the biggest item on the list, but odds are if he lied about one thing he probably lied about another... Probable cause I believe they call that...
  9. mtk

    mtk All-Pro Bike Crasher

    Hitler was 6 million.

    Stalin was somewhere between 20 and 50 million people, but we'll never know.

    As for TA's rantings, it's not worth commenting on.
  10. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    ????? You'd think someone would notice whether 30 Million people were missing or not????:confused:

    "say, have you seen Jim around lately???"
    "er....no...can't remeber seeing him. Infact, it seems kinda quiet round here, where'd everybody go???"
  11. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    terms of surrender??? what??

    I was just trying give weight to the "Horrors of Saddam"....that is why Saddam isn't in the same ball park...

    number killed in Indonesia and Ruwanda about as high as Hilter....and look we did nothing....

    light reading:
    Last edited: May 8, 2003
  12. mtk

    mtk All-Pro Bike Crasher

    Not in the Soviet Union, you wouldn't. You'd be keepin' your mouth shut to avoid becoming one of them.

    And it's not like they kept detailed records of how many folks they shipped off to the Gulag. Actually, they might have, but it's not like these have been made public or anything. I doubt that's something Russia wants to admit to. The only reason we're finding out about the Iraqi version is that we took over and have no interest in keeping that secret.
  13. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    Yep, you are correct. By the end of the day of work I can't even remember the way home! ;)
  14. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    Term's of surrender (et al) was in reference to your comment about using the human rights angle instead of the WMD...

    It's also a fact that our war with Hitler had little to do with what he was doing to the Jews. In fact, no one really had a full grasp on it until the fall of Germany. We were at war with Germany because the Japan (a member of the Axis) attacked us and we finally got off our asses and helped the Brits.

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