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Thank You God!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Dutch, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. Dutch

    Dutch Token white guy

    Hillary just announced she is throwing her hat in the ring for a 2008 Presidential bid. Thank you! I pray she wins the nomination. Why? She is just what the Republican party needs - a villian around which to circle the wagons. This could be the best news ever! I'm rooting for you Hillary!
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    She is just what we need to splinter the Democrats. :up:
  3. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

  4. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    The really weird thing is Chavez is gonna be her VP candidate. :wow:
  5. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Not to turn this into a pissing contest, but your president is almost as unpopular as Nixon and you just lost the house and senate. Iraq is already splintering the Republicans.

    So do you think one will cancel the other out?

    Me, I think each party should be split into two, moderates and extremists. All the politicians want to bluff so the voters should call. It would make US elections a whole lot more interesting (and honest).
  6. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    Hey PC, with all this splintering we might be able to get Kinky in the Whitehouse!!!
  7. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Orvis nailed it a while back. There are extreme Republicans who make a lot of noise/news and extreme Democrats who make a lot of noise/news. If the rest of both parties got together, we might fix a few things instead of concentrating solely on keeping our party in power.
  8. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    That's not the way things were set up. Especially honesty. Hey we're talking politics here. :rolleyes:

    There's about 400-500 people who totally control the US, with equal number from each of the two main parties, though not all in the party leadership structures are let in to what's really going on. Like pro wrestlers, the top-level leaders of the two factions pretend like they hate each other but deep behind the scenes they work together for the overall, long-time benefit of the country. They can't be honest about it, because most Americans are too friggin' dumb to contemplate real politics. They prefer to couch-potatoing, eating Chitos reading about Jolene and Brad, with Entertainment Tonight blaring in the background.

    With the Iraqi issue, both sides (deep behind the scenes) are on the same page. They're just playing good-cop/bad cop. The Republicans were the "bad cops" who came in like thunder to do the payback; the Democrats are the "good cops" who will say after the next election: "Okay, we know what you're going through but now you're gonna hafta calm down and stop all this terrorist activities, or the bad cop (Republicans) will be brought back in. It's either us or them, who do you wanta deal with?"

    Terrorists, though you won't see them admit it now, are probably sick to death (no pun intended) of all of the violence thrown their way, not to mention being a little worried about the hangman nooses. So, they'll calm down for the "good cop" and things will be back to normal, with no more of our buildings struck by planes.
  9. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Fixed it for you.

    What? Me cynical?
  10. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Acree, you could screw up a rock fight!


  11. boxer

    boxer Well-Known Member

    obama is canon fodder.
    he is being setup to make hillary look good once all the dirt on obama is spread around the yard by hillary's minions,hillary will look like a moderate dem and electable
  12. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Let he who is without fault cast the first rock.
  13. DaLions

    DaLions Shot Calla

  14. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    Hillary is the ultimate political whore. I am beginning to suspect that she pimped her own husband to be President in order to lay the groundwork for her own ascension. That's why she put up with all of his crap.

    Discuss. :p
  15. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Having both parties self-destruct would be the best thing that could happen. With the government deadlocked and fighting among themselves then none of them could screw up anything else. The people could then go in, sweep up the splintered pieces, throw the trash out, and put together a better working government made up of real people. :up:
    After that, the first thing that the new government would do is Kill all the lobbyists and run all the lawyers out of Washington.
    Would all this work? Naaaa. Probably not.
  16. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    You may be right. If anyone remembers, When Bill Clinton ran the first time he did it on a platform of being a "new Democrat." Obviously a lot of voters bought into it. :down:
  17. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum


    Good one, JohnnyB! :up:
  18. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    The Clintons are a pair of smart cookies. Once he got elected I think that they tried to orchestrate exactly what has happened. He got his 8 years in office and she became a big enough name politically during those 8 years to get elected to an office high enough to be considered for the presidency. Both of them are experts at campaigning and together are a solid team. If she keeps her agressive self under control for the next two years she will be a threat.
    Wonder who will be calling the shots if that happens? Her or Bill? He did claim during his last 4 years that he would be president again.
  19. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Bill wouldn't be First Lady anyway. During the general election, after hitlary has used Obama to win the primary (and subsequently named him as her V.P.), Billy Bob will suddenly have another escapade, and she will finally "dump" him (like it was anything more than a sham marriage anyway) to solidly lock up all undecided female voters by toting the "poor, poor, cheated upon woman needing sympathy".
    Everything she does is carefully orchestrated years in advance.
  20. Dutch

    Dutch Token white guy

    You wanna talk about record voter turnout for Republicans? Put Hillary on the ticket.

    HILLARY IN 08!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GO BABY!!!!!!!!

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