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Team Atomic: Eat Crow!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by CorollaDude, Apr 7, 2003.

  1. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    Tests are positive for WMD chemicals. Okay let's hear it from you and RSDad: George Bush Rocks! :p :D
  2. Fabri-Tech Designs

    Fabri-Tech Designs Well-Known Member

  3. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    nice of them to shot first and ask questions later??

    and how much?? insignificant?? how come news sources aren't reporting this?? they said just testing for it....

    once again getting your news from faux news??
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    No they didn't. What makes you think they did. It's so funny that you think they did. It's a lie! A lie I say!!!! ;)
  5. pseudocode

    pseudocode Well-Known Member

    What?! How can this be? Why, Hans and his merry men couldn't find WMD. What makes you think anyone else can?;)

  6. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    funny, but chuck tomsyck doesn't sound like an iraqi name. hmmmmm, but he definitely is pro iraqi. what do you know chuck, you are a loser, and so is iraq. it fits.
  7. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    where's the proof??

    btw.....snowing in chicago....maybe hell did freeze over....
  8. Rat

    Rat Well-Known Member

    What is it that I am eating crow over? I don't think I've had much of an opinion either way regarding WMD. My issue is with war itself and I remain against it in all circumstances.
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Proof of what? The Sarin? It's mounted on the tip of the 30 plus missiles they found and in the 5 55 gallon drums and 2 35 gallon drums they're testing NOW!
  10. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    yep he's an iraqi alright. he's in as much denial as the iraqi minster. "there are no US troops in baghdad!" :D
  11. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    post the source.... so it was ok to invade a country without any proof??
  12. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Try those bastions of the right-wing press, the Washington Post, and NPR.


    20 missiles loaded with sarin and mustard gas reportedly ready for firing.
  13. Rat

    Rat Well-Known Member

    Serious question: If Iraq was as big of a threat to use WMD against us without provocation as Dubya' said, why didn't they use them when we invaded their country?
  14. Rat

    Rat Well-Known Member

    Their publishing of this article doesn't do much to support your argument about the "vast liberal media conspiracy". :Poke:
  15. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Ah, the question I've been waiting for. Here at last.
  16. Rat

    Rat Well-Known Member

    Let me have it Big Daddy!
  17. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Huh? When did I say that? Think you have me confused with someone else. :confused:

    I actually like National Pinko Radio, it's a great way to put one to sleep... :D
  18. pseudocode

    pseudocode Well-Known Member

    This is an excellent question. I think the reason is multi-faceted. 1. The relentless air campaign may have knocked many of the sites out.

    2. The disorganization among the Iraqui military's command and control may have made it so that decisions were left to field personnel

    3. Field personnel read our leaflets stating they would be tried as war criminals if they used bio-chem weapons.

    4. Using them would have validated the U.S. claim immediately and taken away much of whatever world support Hussein may have

    BTW - It ain't over yet and there's still a chance (God forbid) they'll be used.
  19. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    I can't believe that some people are still in denial. :rolleyes:
  20. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I don't know, but can speculate. Pick one or a couple of the following:

    1) fear of a nuke down the pipe kept them from using them.
    2) Too disorganized to use them when they needed to, and now it's too late.
    3) Hid them too well and forgot where they put them.
    4) The commanders just chose to ignore their orders to use them.
    5) Rather have it look like the US invaded for no reason, meanwhile all the germ bombs are in Syria.
    6) The US/ British troops were already sitting in Baghdad before they could deploy them.
    7) Ali lost the keys to them and no one knew how to hot wire them.
    8) Scared that the US would see them bring them out and bomb the troops readying them before they could fire.

    And a crap load of others.

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