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Tardholio Must Die!

Discussion in 'General' started by WERA29, Apr 29, 2002.

  1. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Well kids, it's been a fun ride while it lasted but now I'm afraid it
    must come to an end. Tardholio is officially dead and I'm going back to my original BBS name of wera122.

    In addition to that change I'm also making some other changes. Not only have I made the jump to the expert ranks, I have also decided to give up sprint racing and concentrate on endurance racing. Our team is doing very well this year and I don't want to jeapordize it by having something stupid happen in the sprints.

    Don't worry, I'll still be the same old goofy Tom at the track and I'll still be #122. :cool:

    Now get back to work you hippie slackers! :p
  2. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Another thing that doesn't change..... You still SUCK!!! :D :p
  3. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Can't say I didn't see that one coming. ;) :D
  4. Rain Director

    Rain Director Old guy

    Hmmmmm... gave up on cherry-picking as a novice, eh?
    :rolleyes: :p ;) :D
  5. Glenn Foster

    Glenn Foster Well-Known Member

    'Bout time!!
  6. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Holy Schnikes! :eek:

    They said you were dead but I told them "Nah, he was my friend, he would have called me for the funeral!" :D

    Wassup in the land of G'ville? Still living in the Psycho House? ;)
  7. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Why don't you just go by some sort of flatulence symbology, you know, like Prince did. Call yourself "The Racer Formerly Known As Tardholio". TRFKAT for short. Later you could just be "The Racer". :D :eek: ;) :p
  8. JoeB

    JoeB Well-Known Member

    Great to hear you making the move to expert, but sorry you won't be doing any sprint racing, but I understand your position. Good Luck! and welcome to expert status. You former cherry picker!:D

  9. Chubby Huggs

    Chubby Huggs Guest

    Fast-A55 Racer: Tardholio
  10. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Sounds like some PR-type is trying to improve your image and marketability.

    If we let you get away with this, next you'll be holding press conferences denying that you're a 'Tard. :D
  11. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    hey mongo, can i have fartman's yellow plates??;)
  12. TSC_113

    TSC_113 Look At me!!!

    Re: Re: Tardholio Must Die!

    It's TIW She killed tarholio :D Must have been her who else would it have been????? Check the crime scene fro evidence of blow up doll repair kits. I'm sure that tarholio would have put up a struggle that would have inflicted some damge to the inflatable one :D:D:D:D:D:
  13. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Expert!?! Mongo please rethink Tom being an expert. The
    only thing he's an expert at is fence jumping!!!!:D
  14. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    no kidding mongo, you wouldn't LET ted cobb be an expert. but you will LET tom?!?!:eek:
  15. rfknight

    rfknight P-Star

    Actually I'm to blame for all of it. Tardholio is so dead that he won't even have 122 on his bike anymore. In fact, I'm not sure even WERA122 is appropriate anymore.

    You can expect to see both the Sagrada Familia bikes sprint racing in the Solo 20 at Road Atlanta in July. We'll be racing under one of the following:

    47 & 47x
    47 & 471
    47 & 147
    147 & 471

    Tom was easily turned to the dark side of endurance racing. Perhaps he's not as strong as the emperor thought.

    Here's a brief bio of Tom's corruption:

    August 2001
    Gave up on F4s to ride GSX-Rs (but who wouldn't?)

    October 2001
    Begins to think that this endurance stuff is pretty cool. Maybe he should do it for a whole year.

    February 2002
    Admits that black and silver is a pretty cool color combination.

    March 2002
    Admits that going to his teammates wedding is more important than a regional sprint race.

    April 2002
    Retires from sprint racing.

    April 2002
    Hands over his sprint bodywork and tank and asks that it be painted black and silver.

    April 2002
    Admits that P-Star looks pretty boss wicked in those black and silver leathers. Thinks he should get some too.

    April 2002
    Sells his black trailer and buys a silver one to pull behind his black truck.

    Once he has those leathers his training will be complete and a new force will be unleashed on the BBS.

    Darth Holio
  16. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...


    Does this mean you're my father? :eek:
  17. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Tom, while you're here, let me warn you: that thing about the shower, that will NOT be tolerated again. There is such a thing as too much information and you crossed the line. I don't know if I can eat lunch today. There'd better be a long apology in my inbox when I get back to work in a few. :D
  18. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Is there really anything so wrong with enjoying a nice soapy warm washcloth? :D
  19. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    OK, you did it. Now I need a carpet cleaner...
  20. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Sheesh Papa, I just said that I get really, really clean all over when I take a shower. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? :confused:

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