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Sweet, sweet, honey

Discussion in 'General' started by Flex Axlerod, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    I decided to not use the RV for the last two races so it has sat for two months in the hot Texas sun.....next door to a commercial flower nursery.

    $175 later and I have a huge mess to clean up. I hate bees.


  2. sdg

    sdg *

    I love to kill bees.

    I swear, I hate them so much its enjoyable to see them dead. Had my face shield up once and took one stinger first square in the middle just above the sunglasses @ 45mph. Street. Glad nobody was following me cause I just parked it. That hurt.
  3. I had the same thing happen except that mine went above my ear and got stuck between by helmet and my head. I swear I had my helmet off before I completely stopped. I hate bees!
  4. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    no bees no fruits or veggies. Bees are good. An apiary probably coulda gotten most out without killing them.
  5. jaws211

    jaws211 My Monkey Made Me Do It!

    Jed +1
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Where's the honeycomb?
  7. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    in the wall between the gray water tank and the kitchen sink. I get to pull it out tomorrow. good times.

    and as far as an apiary, the first time I heard the word was two minutes ago so cut me a break. I did not want to kill them but I need my RV.
  8. Zephyr

    Zephyr Tank Killer

    Ouch...... That is my worst fear ever haha
  9. tito

    tito Well-Known Member

    fuck that, I would have been in another state in about 2 seconds after seeing that. I hate and am scared to death of bees!
    there is a great thread somewhere on the bbs about bees and beehives!
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Did you bug bomb it or something? Hope it didn't hurt the honey. :D
  11. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    For future reference the honey bee is a dying breed and if you move the queen the rest will follow. Any local beekeeper would have come an taken the swarm off your hands in a matter of minutes. We really need bees. I hate to sound like a tree hugger, because I'm definitely not! Bees are really pretty peaceful little beings. Imagine if you smacked into something at 30mph and then the thing tried to kill you, I would sting your ass too. Now africanized bees are a whole different story. Kill those mean F***ers every chance you get. They attack for almost no reason and when they attack it is almost like a feeding frenzy with sharks.
  12. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    I called an exterminator who use both aersol and foam poison. Not completely use of his process because I got the hell out of there when he put on a bee suit. He did remove the queen so they would not return. Again, lesson learned, next time I will call a bee saver versus a bee killer.
  13. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    No worries, but now you know. And learning is half the battle. G.I. JOE!!!
  14. Rising

    Rising Well-Known Member

    I made the mistake of swatting at one, one time. I didn't realize what it was until about 5 seconds after I swatted it and I heard this loud buzzing sound.
  15. SClark

    SClark Righteous Indignator!

    Yup, once the ice melts and the bees all disappear... the party is going to really be over.
  16. I have the same philosophy for bees as I do for birds. They have wings and can fly anywhere they want. If they are in the space where I drive, thats their fault. If I could fly, I sure wouldn't be hanging out in traffic. Of course what I hit could have been a wasp, a hornet, an africanized bee, etc. I didn't bother to check the pieces that were on the bottom of my boot.
  17. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    I had a wasp get in my helmet once when I first started riding he was stinging the crap out of my breath gaurd when I tossed my helmet about 20 feet away. keep in mine I first noticed him while going about 70mph. I had never been so scared in my life I just kept think if this bugger decides to sting my face or eyes there was not crap I could do till I stoped.

    A guy pulled over behind me and asked if I was ok. Once I told him a wasp got in my helmet he said "Oh yeah I can see where that would suck".

    We have paper wasps around my house they look a lot like bees but they are not. I walk around the house at dusk and kill them about every two weeks.
  18. RacerGirl117

    RacerGirl117 Well-Known Member

    Flying insects freak me out. Almost as much as spiders do. I try to leave them alone, but if they get in my space they're dead.
  19. chickenpants

    chickenpants Well-Known Member

    Aren't you allergic to stings?
  20. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Bees can be a pain, both by where they make their nests and when they wander into you and then sting.

    You missed a chance to have a fun thread, BTW. Always ask the beeb for advice on these matters.

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