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Stowaway kitten report from LA

Discussion in 'General' started by timspeed, Apr 10, 2002.

  1. timspeed

    timspeed Well-Known Member

    As we packed the Ridge Racing / team-14k truck on Sundat afternoon someone heard a whining noise. Not one of us sun/windburnt crew members complaining of our new lobster-like skin tone either. We moved the lounge chair and found a pile of week old kittens. They had been stowed away by a stray from our home town of Harrisburg, PA. None of us could believe they were alive after a 21 hour trip and then four days at the track without their mother. We tried to find them a home with the ladies of WERA but they really needed their mother. Thanks to some milk from Nancy Junge's fridge and constant attention from Barb through the ride home, the little stowaways are back with their mother and in good condition.

    It's kind of funny. I made a bad joke about kats about a year ago on the BBS that ticked off a pretty important person in racing. Since then we have come to terms but I really think he put a voodoo on me and this was payback for the bad cat joke. MMMMMMEEEEEOOOOWWW times 3 for 21 hours through the night.

    Thanks Nancy and Mark for stopping before you left the track.
  2. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    cool story. [​IMG]
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Kick ass story Tim. [​IMG] Too bad you're 3-4 hours away from me, I'm looking for two for my mother.
    Kittens totally rule. More fun to the dollar then most anything around. [​IMG]
  4. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

  5. UGA Dawg

    UGA Dawg Fertile Member

    That's a great story. Years ago, in college, I had a kitten show up on my door step. A little tiny gray tabby. I had her for about six months and was just getting ready to have her spayed when she got knocked up by a local Tom. Well she was so young that she got sick with the pregnancy and a parasite in her body caused a failure for her to produce milk. The kittens were sure to die. I couldn't let that happen so, I went to the pet store and bought some KMR kitten formula and a little nursing bottle. I nursed the kitties 3 times a day and when they got old enough, I weened them on to hard food. That formula made them huge. To this day, one of them is still surviving in Athens with an old girlfriend and weighs about 18 lbs. The other two have died of natural causes and lived a good life with two other friends. The surviving cat is around 14 years old. His name is Stanley. [​IMG]
  6. Chubby Huggs

    Chubby Huggs Guest

    Pet stores have a mother's milk substitute. It's better for the kittens than the pasturized stuff we drink.
  7. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    I think it is too cool to see all of you guys talking about kittens. Most men are too "macho" to admit they like cats. I fell in love with my man when I met his two cats...there's just something about a guy who doesn't have the typical crappy view about them.

  8. peekay

    peekay Well-Known Member

    Hey, I love cats... wanna come over?? *wink*

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

  9. Sean Jordan

    Sean Jordan Well-Known Member

    Yeah....I woke up this morning to find a fresh litter of kittens under my parents bed.

    Anyone want to adopt a Team Jordan Racing kitten?
  10. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Um, do you still sleep in your parents bed, too? Or what exactly is the excuse for being under their bed? [​IMG]

    LAG - I like to hear the guys talk about cats, too - but why is it that the guy I like keeps using the words kitten and microwave in the same sentence??? It's kind of disturbing. Remind me not to introduce him to my son's cat...
  11. Jack

    Jack Well-Known Member

    Well, every time I sit at the computer, this damned cat has to sit on my lap and play with the keyboard and the zip discs on the shelf. But, she's just looking for attention. Cats are cool.
  12. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    Papa's gonna get you on that one, too, Sean. Hey I'll have all that Corona I owe you this weekend. Will you be available to do a little fine-tuning on my Mac...you know like pump the brakes. [​IMG]
  13. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    What kind are they/ will they be? If they are long haired I might take 2 off your hands for export to PA for my mother. My mother wants two long haired kittens to spoil beyond all belief. They'll want for nothing and be extremely well taken care of. Let me know.
  14. Litespeed

    Litespeed Rocket Scientist

    I can honestly say that I hate cats [​IMG]. Ok, it's only because they make my head want to explode and my eyes water to the point I can't see. Oh wait, maybe it's my allergies I hate...
  15. Number400

    Number400 Well-Known Member

    I have 5 cats...all elderly and on medication...they cost more than my kid!

    Now that is love!

    Now can I get some lovin?
  16. RacerGirl435

    RacerGirl435 Guest

    What are you going to do with them if you can't adopt them all out? What kind are they? If they're long-haired, like Dave K wants, I wouldn't want one. But if they're short-haired I might.

  17. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    One of my cats is on the verge of having kittens any day now cuz I spent all my dough on newsracks and computers this spring instead of getting her fixed. They will be short-hairs and you're more than welcome to one or the whole batch. (Wait a minute, I've already conned...I mean persuaded one person to take one so far)

    There's an added advantage with my future litter...I live right next to a race track and they are automatically immune to loud noises from race engines. [​IMG]

    I'll even deliver to VIR next month. I'll JPEG a photo of the litter for you to decide [​IMG]
  18. James#306

    James#306 Backmarker Extraordinaire

    You mean deaf?
  19. RacerGirl435

    RacerGirl435 Guest

    That sounds good Bruce, with one problem. We'll have Don's dog with us. It won't exactly be easy to transport a cat that distance but I might be interested. I just don't know if I want another kitten. I got one of my cats when he was a kitten and he was a MONSTER! [​IMG] Swore I'd never get another one. But kittens are a ton of fun and it's so much to watch them grow. What I really want is a dog, but I don't think my land lady would go for it. [​IMG] Do send me a pic of the kittens when they are out though. [​IMG])

  20. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    Huh? [​IMG]

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