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Ref quartered and decapitated after murdering player

Discussion in 'General' started by povol, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

  2. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

  3. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Hung his head on a stake!
  4. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Wow. Crazy.
  5. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I knew it would be futbol.
  6. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    The wheels of justice turn at high speed in Brazil.
  7. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

  8. 418

    418 Expert #59

    no shit. :eek:
  9. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    Kinda hard to feel sorry for the guy.
  10. gixxie750

    gixxie750 Well-Known Member

    seems fair to me?
  11. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Look at the comments. One dude said "Doesn't he play second base for the Angels? He's in a terrible slump."

  12. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Not surprising at all. On par for Brazil actually. In the early 90's, a player was murdered in a pub for knocking the ball in the teams own goal. Despite being completely inadvertent, he paid the price.
  13. Fencer

    Fencer Well-Known Member

    I agree.
    The ref stabbed a player for arguing in a game = murder.
    The players friends kill the murderer = justice served.

    Works for me.
  14. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    I'm amazed things like this don't happen more often. Meaning victims family getting revenge.

    Ride safe,
  15. :stupid:

    I wish the process was similar in the US. Imagine how much money would be saved if we cut out all the bullshit.

    I am not talking about a situation where they put together enough circumstantial evidence to convince a jury (without actually having proof of the murder). I am talking about a situation where somebody, in plain view of others or even on camera, blatantly kills somebody. You know he did it, he knows it did it, it is obvious.............so just go ahead and kill that bastard and get it over with. Done. And millions of taxpayer dollars saved.
  16. kanatuna

    kanatuna You can't polish a turd..

    Holy fuckin shit Brazil
  17. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    Killing the prick is one thing, losing your humanity in the process is another. They went all Peacock, just showing that even in these days and times, man is just a spark away from his roots of an animal.
  18. 418

    418 Expert #59

  19. S Tsotsoros

    S Tsotsoros aka General Tso

    World Cup 2014 could be interesting.
  20. Eh, i doubt it. While all of the extracurricular stuff might help...it is still soccer.


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