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Race, Religion and Gun Control

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by turtlecreek, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. turtlecreek

    turtlecreek Well-Known Member

    Go Big or Go home

    I'll start us up with as many topics in one thread as possible. I truly don't see why folks are upset by what he said. Please feel free to educate me.
  2. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    The truth hurts?

    Carson could be the greatest president the world has ever seen (not saying he would be) but it won't matter. His faith contradicts social agendas, and therefore he doesn't have a chance. Being offended is the new norm.
  3. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    I like how the interviewer avoided the comment on the media being honest and not on the side of the people with no agenda.
  4. turtlecreek

    turtlecreek Well-Known Member

    Lots of smart people in the world. All aren't cut out to be President. I like a lot about him, but I am still trying to figure out if he should be President. He seems to be getting better each day/interview.
  5. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    IMO, those folks are responding from the perspective of a life full of social media interplay. They simply have no real world experience to draw from, including the media - who's own real world perspectives are erroneously observed...at least that's the conclusion I draw from their reports when facts (should) prevent them from saying anything stupid.

    Like South Park's version of elections, the choices are usually a big douche or a shit sandwich...for whom neither have I ever voted.

    I hear Carson's heart and mind when he speaks, and he's not defending himself when he does so. That's a far cry from the crap spewed from almost every other candidate I've ever had the displeasure to tune in. Doesn't mean I'm tuning in to Carson, I'm just not tuning him out. He has a finger on America's pulse. He is the outrage in a dignified manner. I'd rather someone like that be in the driver's seat.
  6. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    A bit like Sanders eh? I like your Southpark comparison and totally agree that's what we have to chose from. It is nice to hear something from both sides that is a bit different. Not saying I'd vote for either one but it is nice to not hear the same old shit.
  7. How can a brain surgeon be so dumb? What does race have to do with this thread?
  8. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    Race has to do with EVERYTHING.....didn't you get the memos from the liberal media and executive branches? :confused:

    If the two entities above, did not promote and manipulate the populace into believing that there is a racial divide, there would be none.
    No one looks/judges by skin color, until the media/exec tell them to.
    Complete mass brainwashing to try and divide the HUMAN race.

  9. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

  10. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

  11. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Sad, but true.

    Support a group of people by giving them free shit, then tell them the evil rich people want to take away that free shit. Voters for life. It goes back to the "Don't feed the animals" meme.
  12. TakeItApart

    TakeItApart Oops!


    I think rushing the would be mass shooters is a great idea. Not only will they not be able to inflict as many casualties; the brainwashed, uneducated about guns, public will see how ineffective a single shooter with anything other than a fully automatic weapon really is.

    Could you imagine if most everyone in the country owned a weapon, knew how to use it, and wasn't left media fed to believe that a firearm was a guarantee of instant mass murder?
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  13. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    That's utopia. Lol
  14. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    I find it hard to believe that one of these shooters hasn't been overpowered by the victims yet..... Everyone should know by now that in that situation you are probably dead anyway, so why not fight? Americans used to believe in the old "die on my feet instead of live on my knees" mentality. Where did those Americans go (rhetorical question)?
  15. TakeItApart

    TakeItApart Oops!

    I know you said it was rhetorical, but when everything gets handed to you, you'll tend to think that you have to do nothing to survive.
  16. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Exactly. That and the insane PC takeover has dumbed down and pussified young men. Hopefully we are nearing a big shift in society, for the good.
  17. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I believe that it was some famous football coach that said; "the best defense is a good offense." Certainly that's true in the case where a gunman has entered the room that you occupy and is systematically killing everyone. I do realize that it takes a brave person to actually charge someone holding a gun but what is the other choice?
  18. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    They can't play dodge ball, tag, or anything like that on the playground...you think they are going to actually rush a gunman...yeah..not likely.
  19. TakeItApart

    TakeItApart Oops!

    Never let the gunman in the room. Stop demonizing the firearm and learn to respect it and use it in an appropriate manner when the situation arises.

    The US has this notion that schools are a sacred ground where nothing bad could ever happen and refuses to accept that sometimes it does. They refuse to accept that arming a small force of highly trained guards to provide security could work. They'd rather attempt to disarm the law abiding population as a whole than prepare a group of guards to guard against the possibility of a deranged individual or even another group, hell bent on inflicting pain or death.

    What they all fail to think about is that even in countries where firearms are for all intents-and-purposes, banned, people still have them; they still get them, and killing still happens. What would they want when, if firearms where ever fully banned, things like school shootings still happened?

    They'd most likely argue that the numbers decreased, so it had a great positive net effect. In reality, it wouldn't matter the parent who still lost a child.
  20. _indy

    _indy Well-Known Member

    So far one of the best threads I have read on this forum.

    I'm telling you, Ben is the last best hope for this country.

    We get a Sanders who promises to give FREE to the masses we will not recover after 8 years of this HALF black man (or HALF white man) president who hates this country.

    Would prefer to die trying then die with a whimper hiding in a corner hoping I won't be shot. Guess spending 6 years in the military does that to some.
    Second and MOST importantly, the second amendment is to protect us from the government. You will take me, but there will be one of them leaving in the body bag with me.
    Practice your head shot's.

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