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Putting your pet to sleep...

Discussion in 'General' started by forceten, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. forceten

    forceten Well-Known Member

    The time is upon me, and I am so saddened..... 17 years old and my cat has cancer in her mouth and tongue. She isn't gone yet but the vets can't do anything and we are counting down the days. 2 weeks maybe 3.........

    I didn't want my cat at first and was just holding on to a kitten in college. My girlfriend at the time couldn't keep this kitten because her roomate was allergic. So i held on to her until she could find a place to stay..... after a few weeks I decided to keep her as she grew on me. 17 years later, and she is just a silly little cat but I have become very attached to her....... :(

    I know many of you are pet owners, and many of you have lost pets. This is really my first and only pet and the loss is new for me.

    I am having a difference of opinions with my current better half about two issues....... Not about when we will call the vet. Once I see my cat in any kind of pain, or just not being a cat anymore I will make the call. I will not have her suffer as much as I want her to stay around.

    I already have the vet agreed to do it in my own house so my cat doesn't have to have her last day on earth be a drive to the vets that she hates. She will be here in her house.

    But I don't know if I can be in the room when she gets put down. My girl says I have to or I will regret it. I should be the last person my baby cat sees before she goes to sleep. But I just don't think i can do it. Not sure yet. For those of you who have put down pets, were you there for them, holding them? Or where you in another room? If you were in another room did you regret it?

    The other issue is my girl says we should have the vet take her away after and have her cremated. I feel she should stay here - have the vet go and put her in her favorite tunnel with a few of her things and bury her in our back yard. She says if we ever move from here she will not be going with us, but the ashes can always come with us. What have you guys done with the body afterwards? I feel there is more closure if i can bury her here and almost like she is still here with us..... ashes, I just don't know.... For those of you that did bury your pets..... just in a blanket and plastic bag? did you use a box? get a casket? what did ya guys do. Any thoughts would be helpful

    Sorry for the long post :(
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  2. trancework

    trancework It's always now...

    Hey man, I just lost Mu'dib.... Deeb, our cat of 16 years, last night... Le'mme respond in a sec... I'm f'n ballin right now... btw...
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I've done it a lot over the years. Learned I can't be in the room. Just too much. I'm not one for keeping ashes with me so we just have them cremated and disposed of by the vet. My dad did keep one of our dogs ashes and wound up burying them at the base of a tree he planted which is really pretty cool.
  4. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Well, you gotta be in the room. As far as burying her or not, I'm not sure. But, if I lose Hank while we live here, he's going to be buried here, as this is his home and his yard.

    Sorry man!
  5. HondaGalToo

    HondaGalToo Well-Known Member

    So sorry to hear. They really grow on you. I wasn't a "cat person", but I really loved the ones I ended up with. Whenever I had any of my pets put to sleep, be it dog, cat, horse or parakeet, I was there with them. It was hard, but I didn't want to leave them with a stranger (well, they sort of knew the vet, but you know what I mean). It meant a lot to me to be there to hold them. It's very peaceful, they don't struggle, they just go to sleep. I still have the dog's ashes, from about 25 years ago, gotta bury them one of these years. The cats and birds I've buried in the yard, no plastic bag, it won't break down. If anything, a towel.
  6. opinion914

    opinion914 Well-Known Member

    If it's any consolation, remember YOU know what's going on and is about to happen, not her. She's still all about sleeping, eating, pooping and having a bit of catnip. These things seem to hit us harder than our actual pet. All can do is make it as easy as possible for her. I don't envy your position Force but can certainly sympathize.
  7. Scott47

    Scott47 Well-Known Member

    I just put my dog to sleep tonight. I had him for 7 years and he was such a great dog. I held him and my wife and I both talked to him as they gave him the shot. I buried him at my parents house. We tried a lot of things to get him better but his legs were giving out and he couldn't get up.

    This is the second animal we put to sleep in a year. Last year was a cat my wife had for 17 years. I found the worse part is the few hours before you take them. That is the most upsetting for me.
  8. madcat6183

    madcat6183 2006 GSXR

    Yeah only time my dads ever cried was when he had to have our mean 1st dog put down, and then the 2nd one died at home, less than 24 hours before he was going to have to go to the vets to be put down. It was awful, about the only time I really felt like the world was collapsing, and he took it way worse than I did. He had dug a hole big enough to bury a casket in the woods for the dog before I even got home, and he was far from in shape to do something like that, but I saw the determination in his eyes to put the dog in there and let him rest forever.

    The first time our dog was put down, dad took him to the vets, and came home with his collar, no ashes etc, just the collar. He was not in the room because the vet doesn't opt for that at all. I wouldn't be able to either I don't think, well maybe, but I wouldn't be able to drive or function the rest of the day with my dog now.

    Our second dog, passed in his favorite spot in front of the door at their house with his favorite toy right next to him. He knew it was time, and dad said he was in the office when he took his last breath. We buried him in the back yard with his favorite pillow and toy. We have a little headstone so we always know where he is.

    I think this is a choice only you can make, and you have to really prepare the day for it. I wish you the best, and it makes me feel awful just thinking about my dog laying next to me right now, luckily only 7 years old.
  9. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Oh, and I'll bury Hank with my hunting vest and field chaps that he and I have logged so many miles in while hunting.
  10. njracer

    njracer Well-Known Member

    4 years ago I had to put my 14yr old GSD down and it was beyond hard. I was there with him and cried like a baby when he closed his eyes. There is no way in hell I would just have a vet put him down without me being there...we were best friends for 14 years....I owe it to him.

    Anyway...can't talk about this too much as it's hard to type with tears in your eyes.

    BTW, we had him cremated and he sits with us up on the fireplace.

    This is what we have him in: http://www.memorials.com/Pet-Urns/Laser-Etched-Large-Cherry-Pet-Urn.php
  11. trancework

    trancework It's always now...

    Ok, we've had Deeb for 16 years. I was in the apt when she was conceived, I took her home because she was not supposed to survive--she was a 3-legged Hemingaway cat--she had polydactyly 7-toes on each foot. She's been with us for 16 years. Yesterday Kerri called, thinking she'd died but really she'd just had a stroke--a massive stroke...

    I was with my cat when she passed, I comforted her--it's not bad, but it SUCKS, I think seeing her pass was better than not knowing... I had her paw in my hand, my other hand on her chest.... All weekend and Mon I was sick, she laid by my head, Tues night she slippded, and Wed morning (4:45 AM) she was gone....

    I buried her in the back yard, in the hard GA clay. A wicker basket from Michael's crafts. Some newspaper, some catnip, one of my shirts, a towel she used to snuggle in--a paper ball from when she was a kitten and used to fetch. And a feather from one of her toys. I buried her at Sunrise, this morning.... I hung come Corinthian chime on the tree by where she's buried.

    Do what you think is best and show your cat the way to peace. I feel like SHIT right now, but better--because I did my best.... Just do your best... I was with her when she stopped breathing... I was with her when her heart stopped... I cried like a MOTHERFUKER... just do your best.
  12. Paint Shaker

    Paint Shaker Tractor Motor Racer

    had to put my dog down last year... After putting a friend's dog down, I couldn't stand to be there when my dog was put down. :(
  13. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Other room. Cremation. Plant something and put the ashes in the hole.

    I did bury pop's jack russel next to the pond though and made a brick memorial for him. That dog had more people at his funeral than some humans.
  14. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    It's different for everyone. I've been there for every single dog I have had. I feel obligated to be the last person they see. They have all been done at home and in the spot where they spent the most time.

    It's hard but you'll likely regret not being in the room. I've had to do it twice in the last 10 to 12 weeks. I am terribly sorry for you and your kitty.
  15. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    toughest thing I've ever done in my life was putting my cat down once he'd let us know it was time. for me, I'm glad I was in the room...brutal experience, but I'm glad I was there. it's been more than a decade and I still miss him.
  16. cannonballcobb

    cannonballcobb Registered Offender

    We held our 9 year old black lab Lacy, while the mobile vet gave her the shot, laying in our yard on a sunny Sunday afternoon. I could see in her eyes that she was truly at peace and was happy that we were with her during her final moments.

    I burried her in the back yard in a 6 foot deep grave, wrapped in her favorite blanket. I'm thankful she's at rest overlooking the yard she lived in.

    Looking back, it was one of the hardest thing I've had to do, but I'm glad I was there with her.
  17. chrison600

    chrison600 Well-Known Member

    We had our 11 1/2 year old golden, Magic, put down last September. I can't tell you about being there, because I wasn't, but I will go to my grave regretting it. If I had been there, I might recommend against it, but it just hurts too hard to think her last memory was of strangers in a cold room laying in a cold stainless steel cage. It shouldn't have happened that way, but it was so unexpected.

    We had taken her in for observation prior to a possible brain tumor removal, when the techs noticed some abdominal swelling. An ultrasound confirmed that there were multiple tumors on her liver and spleen and the spleen had ruptured. In less than 24 hours, the vet recommended it was time and I was a 30 min drive away. I'm not sure I could have safely made the drive anyway.

    I know this isn't really relevant help, but we do have her ashes and collar up on a shelf here in the office. I like having it here to remind me of the good times, but it also reminds me of the "last ride", "the call", and having to tell our other golden Harry that Magic wasn't coming home.
  18. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    Go for the other room.

    Nothing wrong with it.

    Shit is hard. Don't mindfuck yourself.
  19. forceten

    forceten Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the stories, I know many of you understand and are pet owners......

    Trancework, I feel so bad for you as the timing is pretty close to mine..... I think I have 2 more weeks or 3. Thats pretty hard too as I know she isn't gonna be here much longer...... I am enjoying the time I have left with her but then at the same time I keep thinking she is gonna be gone forever real soon and there isn't anything I can do about it. She doesn't even know whats going on, just enjoying the extra attention and catnip :(

    I cry, then I make myself think of something else............

    For those of you that had the vet come to your house....... I know ours said it will be a shot to put her to sleep and then an Iv in the leg to take her heart out.......

    Can this be done anywhere? on the bed, on her favorite chair? Or does this have to be done on a table or something............ I kinda wanted her to go to sleep on her favorite chair, but don't know
  20. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    The first shot is pain relief and a numbing agent as the material for the final shot can cause discomfort. It can be done anywhere. Just protect the surface with something. Most mobile vets will bring a discharge pad and removal sling.

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