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Punk rock

Discussion in 'General' started by g.mccormick, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. SPATT

    SPATT In a gravel pit near you

    not really punk but great

    Jets to Brazil
    Dismemberment Plan (possibly one of the best shows I ever saw live)
  2. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    I remember a great old Comp. entitled Rat Music for Rat People- had all the greats of the early-mid 80's: Butthole Surfers, Big Boys, Circle Jerks, Dead kenedys, Black Flag, TSOL before they went goth/glam/metal, Minute Men, JFA, Millions of Dead Cops... I think I wore that cassette out...
  3. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    I had that album.

    Cant remember the band who sang about Jesus entering him in the rear. You?

    They were from Canada if i remember right.

    The chicken squak song of MDC was funny as hell, i still play it for my son.

    Somehow it reminds me of Hallett raceway.
  4. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    man, I haven't heard that track in 20 years... faaack if I can remember...
  5. EXKid

    EXKid Well-Known Member

    I haven't posted on here in a while, but this thread brought it out...

    Avail (earlier stuff on Lookout!)
    Hot Water Music (earlier stuff) Or anything on No Idea records for that matter.
    The Draft (ex-Hot water Music guys)
    I try to stay away from Epitaph bands (they end up sounding like Bad Religion) and Fat Wreckords bands (they end up sounding like NoFX).

    SNFU- Did you know that all of their albums have 7 words in their titles?

    Black Flag -My War, this one is really getting me right now, as I just got done reading Rollins "Get in The Van".

    OR if your into instrumental psychadelic epic rock, my band, Husky

  6. olgoodf3

    olgoodf3 'Merica


    some more bands you can still see.
    Against me ( "Crime" & "Reinventing Axel Rose" not the new CD)
    Comback kid. hardcorp canadian band
    Thrice (a little morbid for some taste)
  7. EXKid

    EXKid Well-Known Member

    On a different, heavy note, Check out the following. Not punk, but good rock. Some call it stonerrock. I love the music, but I don't get stoned.


    Fu Manchu (new 70's esque fuzz rock)
    Kyuss ( Josh Hommes band before Queens of the Stone Age)
    The Hellacopters (kick ass cock rock, been around forever)
    35007 (Pink FLoyd of Stoner rock, Instrumental)
    Pelican (Instru-metal at the top of their genre)
    Tides (similar instru-metal)
    Explosions in the Sky (good instrumental band from Austin, soundtrack to the Friday Night Lights TV show)
  8. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    Just curious: how many of you guys used to skate back in the day?
    this thread has reminded me of all the great skate-punk back in the 80's: DRI, JFA, the Adolescents, Drunk Injuns, Agent Orange... ahh those were the days- doing bong hits and hitting the 1/2-pipe....
  9. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    I still skate and I'm going to be 40 in a week. I'm not anywhere near as good as I used to be though. lol

    Oh and to anyone that thinks Rollins in Black Flag was anything but SHIT, a big fuck you!!! He ruined the band. He was so so on his own, but the psuedo intelectual BS poetry can die a slow death.
  10. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    early Black Flag
    I'm tied to a clock...
    I can't get loose
    I did this to myself
    Put my brain right in a noose
    Buzzer sounds gotta move
  11. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    Black Flag was way better with Dez Cadena or Keith Morris, to be sure. Still, I liked them with Rollins, too. Really liked Ginn's side project, Gone as well. Saw them back in 86- snuck into the Rock Island Brewing Company to see them & Black Flag. Stood in front of the stage & was absolutely drenched by Greg Ginn's sweat...
    I can't skate for shit anymore- I'm just too f-ing big. I was skinny as a rail as a teen, but at 37, I'm 6-8 & 250#'s_ I can't ollie my fat ass any more...
  12. EXKid

    EXKid Well-Known Member

    I hear ya, but I actually like Rollins era Black Flag. Did you read "Get in The Van" ? Now it's very ironic. The guy absolutely hates talking to people, and now he has of all things, a talk show on IFC.

    The whole book is his journal entries from that time period and it's tough to get through. constant complaining about little stuff that gets revisited over and over again. Having said that, the high points are pretty good, and kept me interested.

    I didn't really skate. Although I was the only kid I knew in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with a skateboard. Just never really got anywhere with it.
  13. Don_728

    Don_728 The dog made me do it!

  14. vehicular

    vehicular ARRRRGG!!

    Rodney has more skills in his big toe than all the big toes of everyone in this thread combined.
  15. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Ginn's guitar skills are just sick. Too bad he's such a tool as a whole.
  16. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    Great book! I read it about 10 years ago.
  17. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    How about this one.
    I'm tied to a clock
    I can't get loose
    I did this to myself
    Put my brain in a noose
  18. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

  19. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    Trade ya my rusty '85 pontiac bonneville.
  20. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    Maybe Pascarella has been there........

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