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Pirelli DC3's vs. Michelin?

Discussion in 'Tech' started by fustyd, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. PlayHard

    PlayHard Well-Known Member

    Dahhhhh, Melka's point was if Edwards could run the tires within a few seconds of pole times, the tires definitely don't SUCK!

    The fact of the matter is, you busted your ass, blamed the tires, and switched brands. How many times have we all seen this? Its always the damn tires...... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this, the tires did not cause you to crash. You caused yourself to crash. You were in control of the bike, not the tires. You yourself stated they started feeling "GREASY" and were sliding around. That's called a CLUE my friend. Time to back it down a bit. You didn't and the result was a crash. So again, without taking into consideration of the incorrect tire pressures, did the tires cause the crash or did you?
  2. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

    OK and again I never said they started to slide I said the bt-002rs and the 16 start to slide not the 2ct I think you should read it again and I also said that the 2ct gives you no warning they just let go with no slide and they dont let you know when they are getting to there limit that is what I said
  3. PlayHard

    PlayHard Well-Known Member

    This is what I read, where you not referring to the 2CT's?????? I'm sorry, I assumed that when you stated "GREASY" they were moving/sliding around on you. After all, that is what "GREASY" feels like, isn't it? Greasy is called feel, a clue, your pushing the tires capabilities, back it down or your going to bust your ass..... That's my point.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    not-worth-it. You can't please everyone all the time. Let him move on to another tire. (and then another, and another.. ). Maybe the next set he will try 40psi cold on the rear tire. 36? Glad Mike (VRC) got that sorted.
    Just a word to all the readers, SIX PSI OVER the recomended psi is bad if your looking for optimal grip not so much optimal wear. 34-36 may be good for touring. There are lots of good tires out there other than Michelin (but they are the best.. insert smiley) . Each has different characteristics and perhaps Michelin wasn't for him BUT ya gotta at least give em a fighting chance being somewhere in the ballpark on presures..
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  5. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

    whatever I guess are tire guy down here doesnt know anything and when they do get greasy you do feel it when you are sliding on your ass there is no they start to get greasy its when they get greasy even a little bit they just let go there is no sliding they are sticking and the next second you are on your ass
  6. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

    and where did vrc get the pressures from a guy that he knows, that doesnt know a dam thing. You guys blow my mind you have no resources to back your shit up just keep talking and thinking your right it is fun. It just makes me laugh any tire can do anything I heard that ben spies was on the pilot roads and was running almost race pace times on them. I bet that is the next one that is coming and I bet he was running the rear at 13 psi
  7. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

    And I no longer ride the street so I wont have the need to go from tire to tire I love my conti's because they dont suck ass
  8. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

    And I had two guys come on here and back me up on the tire pressures, u guys just know some guy?????????????????/
  9. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

    I am done with this thread :)
  10. PlayHard

    PlayHard Well-Known Member

    BYE BYE! :crackup:
  11. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Well-Known Member

    It's bat shit insane stories like this that keep me from trying Michelins. Thank god there are not only better tires ou there but cheaper ones as well!
  12. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

    thank you, he has heard all the stoires to because it is true they suck dont try them
  13. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    I would go with the Tomahawks - the red ones. The Pirellis and Michelins are junk compared to those. You heard it here first.
  14. MELK-MAN

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    I heard the yellow Tomahawks were faster :confused: Now you have me all confused Ed!
  15. vrc

    vrc Well-Known Member

    You like bat shit insane stories, heres a quote from a guy that doesnt like the Michelin Pilot Power 2ct.

    Track Wagon "You know when a tire is over heating because it melts not because the rebound is bad or the suspension is set up wrong all that was set and worked great with all the other tires but the 2 ct then you are gonna say well maybe the set up wasnt for those tires well they are street tires, I dont think it matters a whole lot just my 2 cents ".

    Ya, i would listen to this guy about tires..

    Heres a Tip: If you wanna be cheap..Tires is not a good place to start.
  16. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    It's really whatever matches the bike best Greg, that lends itself to the fastest laptimes. The tires know ...
  17. PlayHard

    PlayHard Well-Known Member

    Yeah, stick with the cheaper one's.....that's the ticket. I guess if your not winning on the cheaper tires, then contingency money doesn't matter either. There may be better tires out there, but I had absolutely no problem winning races last season on The Michelin Power Ones and because of their fantastic contingency program, only had to shell out money for three sets of tires ALL SEASON LONG. Yeah, I'll be sticking with Michelin again next year. :up:
  18. Europa

    Europa Open The Throttle

    The proof has always been in the results...look at what the class champions ran last year. I think You will see mr bib more than once.:D

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    Last edited: Jan 7, 2010
  19. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

  20. track wagon

    track wagon MCAS MIRAMAR

    they run them because they pay alot

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