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Discussion in 'General' started by joec, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. joec

    joec brace yourself

    im 44. im pretty sure ive gotten to the point in my life that i can without question say i really dont like my mother. shes just not a nice person. anyone else? or am i the weirdo?

    i dated a woman for many many years who once said "you dont like everyone you meet walking down the street, youre not going to like everyone in your family either". i used to think it was cold, but its true.
  2. tropicoz

    tropicoz Well-Known Member

    Many different personalities out there, it'd be foolish to think they're all likeable and agreeable....even if they're family. You may love them, even if you don't like them.
  3. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    I know plenty of grown, responsible cats who hate their parent(s) for a variety of reasons, ranging from childhood nonsense to adult 'judgemental' nonsense.

    Perfectly normal depending on the circumstances.
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    My Dad, later in life was a cool ass mother (my mom) f@cker. My mom is a minature tyrant who wants things her way, will say what's on her mind and doesn't suffer fools. She missed her calling as a third world shithole dictator.
  5. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    I have seen, most of the time, that when people hate one parent or another, they are exactly like them!

    My wife cannot stand her mom (who happens to be awesome, in my opinion) but they are exactly alike!
  6. caferace

    caferace No.

    My Mom was a saint. My Dad was the frickin' debbil. Wasn't sad when he went young.

  7. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    You take after your mother then?:)
  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Pretty much. :D
  9. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    My folks got divorced when I was ten. I lived with Dad. Sister went with Mom.

    At 42 years old, I'm still a failure to her... I'm a great attorney, got a great wife, awesome kids, great life. But I'm not the golfing, country club member gomer she wants. I drink too mich, cuss too much and have too much fun.

    About ten years ago I said fuck it. I'm beyond giving a shit.
  10. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Dits, you also raced motorcycles, sure that didn't please her either by the sound of it.
  11. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    Correct. She came up for three races in my three years of racing.

    I crashed in two and sucked in the other. She was bad juju.
  12. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    I suppose I was lucky, mine were great.
  13. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Oh that's cold. You might not like your Dad or otherwise think he was the Devil...but being ok that's he's dead?

    That explains a bunch.
  14. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Really, I got no complaints. They paid my way when they could, didn't when I was a classic f@ck up, didn't sugar coat it and I'm good to go.
  15. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    My folks have their faults but they are my Parents and they have been wonderful Parents thus far.

    So no.
  16. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    Mine also,
    both set really good examples, in every way, for their kids and grandkids.
  17. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Whatever my feelings about family members I don't put it out on the street.
  18. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Seriously? Are you really this much of a douchebag? Never mind that's a rhetorical question.
  19. caferace

    caferace No.

    He tried to kill my saintly Mom.

    Twice. Once by running her over, and once with a knife.

    Not a lot of love left after that.

  20. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Best saying I've ever heard, "You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family."

    My [immigrant] parents we very hard on us growing up, they had enough stress in their lives trying to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. They certainly didn't live a lavish life, so I have enormous respect for pulling off what they did. However, since my pop's passing ('98) my mom slowly became more difficult to please. IMHO, my mom suffers from depression which probably peaked when my pop passed which has made our lives more difficult, especially when we convinced her to stop driving. She's 85yo this past month, she's hard of hearing, blind in one eye, recently had a portion of her colon cut out due to a cancerous tumor and she does nothing but pass time thinking about things to complain about. It is what it is.

    To this day, we still have our customary sunday dinner at moms even though she barely cooks anything anymore. :D

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