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On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter

Discussion in 'General' started by bajakirch, May 13, 2014.

  1. six6two

    six6two AWD

    This is awesome! Unfortunately I don't see the Monster Energy Drinks TT being featured in a Redbull film.
  2. duggram

    duggram Sunrise Bahia de LA

    Next Friday! Unfortunately I will be in Moab for 4 days (f, s, s, m) that weekend. Maybe and I can home early enough to see it Monday night.
  3. June-yer

    June-yer Well-Known Member

  4. noobinacan

    noobinacan Well-Known Member

    some girl at the end is like "its a disease"
    she probably doesn't ride
    cause if she did, she would say "its a cure."

    don't care about watching it...rather be riding.
  5. r6boater

    r6boater Logged out

    There is a group that will be going to the Regal Mall of Georgia Stadium 20 on Saturday at 9:20 next weekend, if anyone is interested.
  6. CafeRacer

    CafeRacer Well-Known Member

    That was Tara Gieger dude. She rides.

  7. Bugslayer

    Bugslayer Well-Known Member

    Totally jacked about this movie :Putter:
    Just got done watching all the video clips on the web site, hope it's as good as it looks like it will be.
    I am the typical cliche' of this movie, growing up in SoCal, went and watched this movie and fell in love with dirtbikes.....the rest is history

    I haven't been to a movie in gawd knows how long, but I already bought the tickets for Friday night and going to surprise the wife with a date night :D

    Yeah, thats how goofy I am about bikes, luckily she get's it! :rock:
  8. TLR67

    TLR67 Well-Known Member

  9. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner


  10. PMooney Jr.

    PMooney Jr. Chasing the Old Man

    Just left the theater. Tons of killer footage! Great flick, little disappointed there wasn't a good storyline like the original. It was kind of all over the place but still captured that awesome feeling of riding. I dug it! :up:
  11. PMooney Jr.

    PMooney Jr. Chasing the Old Man

    I thought it was gonna stick to the original format when it started. The way the original followed Mert for the season, it never quite did that except for the motogp season. It did follow it to the end but not quite as heavy as the original followed the grand national championship. Minor gripe though, I really enjoyed it! Some stunning footage!
  12. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Yeah I remember the original kind of followed the storyline of Mert Lawwill and Malcolm Smith. Was it more like Why We Ride just bouncing around from footage to footage without much real structure?
  13. PMooney Jr.

    PMooney Jr. Chasing the Old Man

    Yep, definitely didn't have structure like the first and nothing like Dust to Glory. I didn't expect it to be the same as Dust to Glory as it isn't as race oriented but it was all over the place for sure. I really enjoyed it though, great footage, tons of smiles, great bike flick.
  14. stk0308

    stk0308 Well-Known Member

    They covered a lot of ground, and the RedBull wasn't really that obnoxious, so it had that going for it. Overall, I really enjoyed it. Like "Why We Ride" it did focus on the family aspect of being in the motorcycle community. Which is a nice note to counteract all the 'outlaw' and 'biker' image motorcycles in general get in the public eye.
  15. CafeRacer

    CafeRacer Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you all liked the film.

    A word about story lines: Racing at a national or international level has become so specialized that doing a story like Bruce Brown did with the original would be supremely difficult.

    Following one or two characters would mean following one series and that means that we'd be making a motocross or MotoGP film instead of a motorcycle film.

    The truth is Carlin Dune is maybe the closest thing we've got to someone who can honor the Mert storyline. Carlin works on his own bikes and drives himself to races. He won Pikes Peak (on an electric bike) against a pretty fast field. He shreds on an MX bike, rides trials, rode a turbo Busa at Bonneville, etc. Having him as a large character was really important to us since he's a throwback to the guys who can (and do) ride anything.

    These were all tough decisions and the truth is the motorcycle world has gotten much larger and more specialized than in 1971 when the original came out.
  16. stk0308

    stk0308 Well-Known Member

    I caught that! But, judging from the posts here, it wasn't obvious enough for some.
  17. PMooney Jr.

    PMooney Jr. Chasing the Old Man

    All the more reason it should've been an hour longer! :D
  18. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    Yea, it noticed with some of the Faster sequels, they had some story issues trying to follow specific people. Is it their schedules that are tough to get time on, or is there issues with filming when certain sponsor logos are in the frame?

    Always hate it when they blur out logos and such on film/TV.
  19. PMooney Jr.

    PMooney Jr. Chasing the Old Man

    Lol, since I'm the only poster perhaps you mean me? ;)
  20. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    It was a good movie until about the 1/2 - 3/4 point. They spent too much time on Moto GP.

    No hill climb, no Trials. No grassroots motorcycle racing. They didn't touch on Hare Scrambles, Enduros, Club Road Racing ect....

    It was more geared towards the big stars of motorcycle racing. Which would be cool to touch on but "On Any Sunday" 99% of people who are motorcycle, riders, enthusiasts, racers aren't big stars.

    On any Sunday most people don't ride a Moto GP bike.

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